Course type
Academic year
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AMU-PIE courses
ects: 4
1. Module title: German for Beginners I / A1.1+
dr Mariusz Walorczyk -
ects: 4
21st Century European Art Cinema: History, Myths, and Migrations
Adam Domalewski -
ects: 5
3D Modelling For Cultural Heritage
dr Lidia Żuk -
ects: 2
Abuse And Addiction - Chemical, Biological And Cultural Aspects Of Drugs
prof. UAM dr. hab. Anna Przybył -
ects: 4
Academic Discourse
Dr Przemysław Kaszubski -
ects: 5
Academic Language for Student Success part I
mgr Marta Rudnicka -
ects: 5
Academic Language for Student Success part II
mgr Marta Rudnicka -
ects: 5
Advanced Seminar: Organizational Research Methods
prof. UAM dr hab. Teresa Chirkowska-Smolak, dr Jarosław Grobelny -
ects: 3
Advanced seminar: Developmental assessment – a cultural-historical view
dr Sławomir Jabłoński -
ects: 5
Advances In Neuroscience
prof. dr hab. Grzegorz Króliczak -
ects: 3
Aggregation And Self-Assembly
prof. dr hab. Andrzej Molski -
ects: 8
Alternative Dispute Resolutions In Criminal Law
dr Piotr Karlik -
ects: 4
American literary studies (Canadian studies)
Prof. UAM dr hab. Agnieszka Rzepa -
ects: 5
An Anthropological Perspective. Representation, Modernity, and the Contemporary
prof. UAM dr hab. Andrzej Zaporowski -
An Introduction to Mentalizing in Clinical Practice
dr Monika Jańczak -
ects: 4
Anatomy of Ancient Society and Culture
dr Cezary Dobak -
Ancient Popular Topoi and Motifs in Culture and Literature
Prof. UAM dr hab. Radosław Piętka -
ects: 5
Ancient World in Visual Arts
prof. UAM dr hab. Radosław Piętka -
ects: 8
Animal And Human Physiology
dr inż. Paweł Marciniak, dr Szymon Chowański -
ects: 4
Animal Studies
prof. UAM dr hab. Monika Bakke -
ects: 5
Anthropology Of Religion
Dr Jan Lorenz -
ects: 5
Anthropology Of Tourism
dr Hannah Wadle -
ects: 4
Anthropology of Migration
prof. UAM dr hab. Natalia Bloch -
ects: 5
Applications of SEM-EDS
prof. UAM dr hab. Danuta Michalska -
ects: 6
Applied Ethics
dr Bartłomiej Chomański -
Arctic In A Changing Climate
dr Agata Buchwał -
ects: 3
Argumentation dans le discours antisémite et raciste. Séminaire de spécialisation en linguistique
dr Ewa Pirogowska -
ects: 6
Arqueologia e Historia de Poznań
dr Michał Krueger -
ects: 6
Art And Architecture In Early Modern Central Europe (1450-1800)
dr Dorota Molińska -
ects: 3
Art therapy
prof. UAM Marcela Kościańczuk -
ects: 4
Artificial Intelligence
Michał Antkowiak -
ects: 4
Artists And Their Careers In A Sociological Frame
dr Beata Kowalczyk -
ects: 4
prof. UAM dr hab. Anna Marciniak -
ects: 2
Audio description for persons with sight loss
dr Iwona Mazur -
ects: 0
Badminton - sports classes
dr Piotr Ogarzyński -
ects: 0
Badminton - sports classes
dr Piotr Ogarzyński -
ects: 6
Banach Algebras
prof. UAM dr hab. Krzysztof Piszczek -
ects: 6
Basics GIS
Prof. dr hab. Zbigniew Zwoliński -
ects: 4
Becoming-Earth: Environmental Humanities, Art And Science
prof. UAM dr hab. Monika Bakke -
ects: 5
Behavioral & Cognitive Neuroscience
prof. dr hab. Grzegorz Króliczak -
ects: 3
Bestsellers of the Contemporary Polish Literature
prof. UAM dr hab. Marcin Telicki -
ects: 5
Biological And Physicochemical Elements Of Assessment Of The Ecological Status Of Water Bodies
Dr hab. Tomasz Joniak (coordinator), Dr hab. Renata Dondajewska-Pielka, Dr hab. Piotr Klimaszyk, Dr Ryszard Piotrowicz -
ects: 4
Biology Of Animal Vectors Of Plant Viruses
dr Wiktoria Szydło; prof. Anna Skoracka -
ects: 3
Biophotovoltaic Materials
prof. UAM dr hab. Krzysztof Gibasiewicz -
ects: 4
Black Robe. Representations of Jesuits in Film
Robert A. Maryks -
ects: 2
Botanical gardens - arks of biodiversity
Justyna Wiland-Szymańska -
ects: 6
Boyhoods And Girlhoods. The Images Of Growing Up In The Contemporary East-Central European Cinema
dr Marcin Jauksz -
ects: 4
Business English With Elements Of Legal English
mgr Beata Bałczyńska-Chwalisz -
ects: 4
Business English With Elements Of Legal English
mgr Beata Bałczyńska-Chwalisz -
ects: 3
Business German
dr hab. Joanna Kic - Drgas -
ects: 3
Business German
dr hab. Joanna Kic - Drgas -
ects: 5
Catalytic Oxidation Processes
Prof. UAM Agnieszka Held (30h)/dr Jolanta Kowalska-Kuś (15h) -
ects: 4
Cell Biology
dr Łukasz Wojtyla; dr hab. Ewa Sobieszczuk-Nowicka, prof. UAM -
ects: 5
Central Europe and the Balkans Today: Comparative Studies
dr Paweł Dziadul -
ects: 5
Child Abuse And Neglect In Social And Psychological Perspective
dr Monika Zielona-Jenek -
Chronicling The Past. Introduction To Medieval History Writing
dr hab. Jakub Kujawiński -
ects: 5
Cinematographic Doors To Nineteenth-Century Literature
dr Marcin Jauksz -
ects: 4
Cities and Societies in Post-Migrant Conditions
dr Jacek Kubera -
ects: 4
Classical Myths in Culture
prof. dr hab. Piotr Urbański -
ects: 4
Classical Theatre: Tragedy & Comedy
prof. zw. dr hab. Ewa Skwara -
ects: 4
Claves para hablar español sin miedo
mgr Patrycja Domaradzka -
ects: 5
Cognitive Social Psychology
dr hab. Łukasz D. Kaczmarek; dr Michał Kosakowski -
ects: 3
Combinatorial games
dr hab. Małgorzata Bednarska-Bzdęga -
ects: 6
Common Foreign And Security Policy: Northern And Eastern Dimensions Of The European Union
prof. UAM dr hab. Jarosław Jańczak -
ects: 5
Communicating At Work - Intermediate English For The Workplace
mgr Martyna Surma -
ects: 5
Communicating At Work - Intermediate English For The Workplace
mgr Martyna Surma -
ects: 4
Communication in the Cross-Cultural Tourism
prof. UAM dr hab. Rafał Dymczyk -
ects: 5
Comparative Literature Studies
dr Emilia Kledzik -
Comparative Studies: Anthropology of Everyday Life
prof. UAM dr hab. Joanna Rękas -
ects: 5
Computational Modeling Of Complex Systems
prof. dr hab. Adam Lipowski -
Computational and theoretical aspects of Ramsey theory
dr Sohail Farhangi -
ects: 2
Computer Games In Education And Therapy
dr Anna Michniuk -
ects: 4
Connectivity And Mobility In Bronze Age Europe And The Near East
dr Paulina Suchowska-Ducke -
ects: 4
Conservation genetics
Mateusz Konczal -
ects: 6
Consumer Protection Law & Policy In Europe
Dr. iur. Igor B. Nestoruk, MJC (Bonn) -
ects: 5
Contemporary Literary and Cultural Discourses in Central Europe
prof. UAM dr hab. Agata Firlej -
ects: 6
Contemporary Philosophy of Dialogue
Prof. Piotr Leśniewski, dr Katarzyna Gan-Krzywoszyńska -
ects: 6
Contemporary Philosophy of Science
Joanna Karolina Malinowska -
ects: 5
Cosmetics Product Analysis
Prof. dr hab. Izabela Nowak (lectures 15h); prof. UAM dr hab. Agnieszka Feliczak-Guzik (labs 30h); dr Agata Wawrzyńczak (labs 30h) -
ects: 2
Coциaльно-экономическая география Польши
prof. UAM dr hab. Anna Tobolska, dr Cezary Mądry -
ects: 4
Creative Arts for social inclusion
dr Katarzyna Forecka-Waśko, dr Michalina Kasprzak -
ects: 4
Creative Education for Gifted Children
PhD Michalina Kasprzak -
ects: 5
Creative cities
prof. UAM dr hab. Michał Męczyński -
ects: 8
Crime And Punishment: An Interdisciplinary Approach
Prof. UAM dr hab. Elżbieta Hryniewicz-Lach -
ects: 4
Critical Thinking
dr Bartosz Kaluziński -
ects: 3
Cultural and Literary Traditions of Balkans
dr Paweł Dziadul -
ects: 3
Cultural and Literary Traditions of Balkans
dr Paweł Dziadul -
Cultural and Literary Traditions of Central Europe
dr Urszula Kowalska-Nadolna -
ects: 4
Cultural and Literary Traditions of Central Europe
dr Urszula Kowalska-Nadolna -
ects: 5
Cultural policies
Piotr Firych, PhD -
ects: 5
Current Anthropological Theory
dr Małgorzata Kowalska -
ects: 5
Designing Political Science Research
prof. UAM dr hab. Joanna Rak -
ects: 3
Developing Teacher’s Workshop - Kindergarten And Primary Education Context
dr Anna Rybińska -
ects: 6
Dialogue In Latin America: Philosophy And Literature
Prof. UAM dr hab. Piotr Leśniewski, Dr Katarzyna Gan-Krzywoszyńska -
ects: 3
Digital Geographies
Michał Rzeszewski -
ects: 5
Digital Humanities: Workshop
Prof. UAM dr hab. Konrad Dominas -
ects: 4
Drama Method for Social Inclusion in Teaching Practises
prof. UAM dr hab. Sylwia Jaskulska (coordinator), dr Mateusz Marciniak -
ects: 6
EU Competition Law and Digital Markets
dr Miłosz Malaga -
ects: 8
Economic And Social History Of Europe
Piotr Pilarczyk -
ects: 6
Economic modelling and control theory
prof. UAM dr hab. Yoichi Uetake -
ects: 4
prof. UAM dr hab. Barbara Maćkiewicz -
ects: 5
Education In Poland And Other Countries – Comparative Review
prof. UAM dr hab. Daria Hejwosz-Gromkowska -
ects: 6
Elements Of Applied Mathematics
prof. UAM dr hab. Daria Bugajewska -
ects: 3
Elements Of Cryptanalysis
dr Bartosz Naskręcki -
ects: 4
English dictionaries
prof. UAM dr hab. Anna Dziemianko -
ects: 2
English grammar for EFL teachers
dr Michał Remiszewski -
ects: 2
English grammar for EFL teachers
dr Michał Remiszewski -
ects: 2
English oral skills for EFL teachers
prof. UAM dr hab. Paulina Zydorowicz -
ects: 2
English oral skills for EFL teachers
prof. UAM dr hab. Paulina Zydorowicz -
ects: 2
Enhancing Learning By Design - Backward Design Method For Effective Teaching Planning
Agnieszka Kamisznikow -
ects: 5
Environmental analytical chemistry
prof. UAM dr hab. Iwona Kurzyca, dr hab. prof. UAM Anetta Ziola-Frankowska, prof. dr hab. Marcin Frankowski -
ects: 4
Epigenetics - How We Can Control Our Own Genotypes
prof. UAM dr hab. Mirosława Siatecka -
ects: 4
Equity And Social Justice In Education
prof. UAM dr hab. Daria Hejwosz-Gromkowska -
ects: 4
Ethics of the global world
prof. UAM dr hab. Jacek Sójka -
ects: 5
European Ancient Culture – selected problems (winter semester)
prof. UAM dr hab. Rafał Rosół -
ects: 5
European Ancient Literature – selected problems
prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Wesołowska -
ects: 8
European And Polish Criminal Policy
Prof. UAM dr hab. Elżbieta Hryniewicz-Lach -
ects: 8
European Company Law And Securities Regulations
prof. dr hab. Tomasz Sójka -
ects: 6
European Competition Law
dr Miłosz Malaga -
ects: 8
European Constitutionalism And Fundamental Rights
dr Władysław Jóźwicki -
ects: 10
European Personal Law
Prof.UAM dr hab. Marcin Sokołowski -
ects: 6
European Union Law
dr Miłosz Malaga -
ects: 6
Europe’s Lgbtq Histories, Cultures And Politics: A Comparative Global Perspective
prof. UAM dr hab. Paweł Leszkowicz -
ects: 6
Experimental Phonetics
dr Jolanta Bachan -
ects: 4
Exploring Biodiversity Using Gis (Geographic Information Systems)
dr Maciej Nowak, dr Paweł Bogawski -
ects: 5
Extraordinary applications of statistical physics
prof. UAM dr hab. Przemysław Chełminiak -
ects: 8
Family Law
prof. zw. dr hab. Tomasz Sokołowski -
ects: 4
Fantastic fiction. A Cultural and Ideological Introduction
prof. UAM dr hab. Alfons Gregori I Gomis -
ects: 4
Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt. Mapping socio-scientific controversies.
prof. UAM dr hab. Andrzej Wojciech Nowak -
Female Sexuality In Adulthood
dr Marta Szymańska-Pytlińska -
ects: 6
Field Geology
Wojciech Stawikowski -
ects: 5
Film In Anthropology
Dr Jan Lorenz -
ects: 6
Financial Accounting
prof. nadzw. dr hab. Ryszard Kamiński -
ects: 6
Financial Market Law of the European Union-supervisory perspective
prof. dr hab. Magdalena Fedorowicz -
ects: 5
Flavour and Fragrance Chemistry
Prof. dr hab. Izabela Nowak (lectures, 15h); prof UAM dr hab Agnieszka Feliczak-Guzik (labs 15h); dr Agata Wawrzyńczak (labs 15h) -
ects: 5
Food Analytical Chemistry
Prof. UAM dr hab. Anetta Zioła-Frankowska/Prof. UAM dr hab. Iwona Kurzyca/Prof. UAM dr hab. Marcin Frankowski -
ects: 2
Food Chemistry
prof. zw. dr hab. Marek Sikorski -
ects: 3
Food and dining in the ancient Greek world
Magdalena Stuligrosz -
ects: 0
mgr Maciej Palka -
ects: 0
mgr Maciej Palka -
ects: 4
Frech in everyday life
dr Edyta Mosorka -
ects: 4
Freedom Of Establishment And Freedom To Provide Services In Poland
dr Michał Strzelbicki -
ects: 4
French for Beginners I
dr Hanna Wiczyńska -
ects: 4
French for Beginners II
dr Hanna Wiczyńska -
ects: 4
French in everyday life part II
dr Edyta Mosorka -
ects: 6
Functional Analysis
prof. UAM Krzysztof Piszczek -
ects: 3
GIS in urban planning
prof. UAM dr hab. Adam Radzimski -
ects: 4
Games and play in education
dr Anna Rybińska -
ects: 5
Gender and language in the professional workplace
prof. UAM dr hab. Joanna Pawelczyk -
ects: 3
Gender in geography and planning
dr Edyta Bąkowska-Waldmann, dr Julia Kaczmarek-Khubnaia -
ects: 5
General Principles of Law
prof. UAM dr hab. Marzena Kordela -
ects: 5
General and environmental toxicology
prof. UAM dr hab. Zbigniew Adamski -
ects: 7
Genocides and Ecocides: A Planetary Perspective
prof. dr hab. Ewa Domańska -
ects: 3
prof. UAM dr hab. Danuta Michalska, dr Małgorzta Mrozek-Wysocka (koordynator) -
ects: 5
Geography Of Social And Political Confilicts In A Changing Environment
prof. dr hab. Grzegorz Rachlewicz -
ects: 3
Geography of urban transport
prof. UAM dr hab. Adam Radzimski -
ects: 5
Geology of Europe and Poland
Wojciech Stawikowski -
ects: 6
Geology of the Tatra and Pieniny Mountains
dr Ditta Kicińska -
ects: 4
German For Beginners I / A1.1
Dr Mateusz Kaszyński -
ects: 4
German For Beginners I / A1.1
Dr Mateusz Kaszyński -
ects: 4
German For Beginners II / Elemantary German Level A1.2
mgr Agnieszka Włodarek -
ects: 4
German For Beginners II / Elementary Level A1.2
mgr Agnieszka Włodarek -
ects: 4
German For Beginners Ii/ A1.1+
Dr Mateusz Kaszyński -
ects: 4
German For Beginners Step 2
mgr Aurelia Pawlicka -
ects: 4
German For Beginners Step 2
mgr Ewa Ilczyna-Przepiórkowska -
ects: 4
German For True Beginners I / Level A1.1
mgr Agnieszka Włodarek -
ects: 4
German For True Beginners I / Level A1.1
mgr Agnieszka Włodarek -
ects: 4
German For True Beginners Step 1
mgr Aurelia Pawlicka -
ects: 4
German For True Beginners Step 1
mgr Ewa Ilczyna-Przepiórkowska -
German Grammar A2 Level
mgr Renata Rydian -
German Grammar A2 Level
mgr Renata Rydian -
ects: 4
German for Beginners I / A1.1
dr Mariusz Walorczyk -
ects: 5
Global Change, Ecological Crisis And Nature Conservation: Lessons From Ecology And Palaeoecology
Prof. UAM dr hab. Piotr Kołaczek, Prof. dr hab. Mariusz Lamentowicz, dr Monika Karpińska-Kołaczek -
ects: 6
Global Warming And Ecosystems
Prof. UAM dr hab. Piotr Kołaczek, Prof. dr hab. Mariusz Lamentowicz -
ects: 4
Globalisation, International Agencies, Economy And Education
prof. UAM dr hab. Daria Hejwosz-Gromkowska -
Graph Theory II
prof. dr hab. Andrzej Ruciński -
ects: 8
Great Juristis And Their Impact On History And Development Of Private Law
dr Jan Andrzejewski -
ects: 0
Phd Michał Marciniak -
ects: 0
Health Fitness
dr Karolina Perz -
Health Fitness
dr Karolina Perz -
ects: 3
Heavy Metals in Environment
dr hab. inż. Karolina Lewińska -
ects: 6
Heritage of Poland as a Tourist Attraction
dr Krzysztof Piotrowski -
ects: 5
Heterogeneous Catalysis
dr Katarzyna Stawicka -
ects: 3
Histories of theatre II
dr hab. Jacek Fabiszak, prof. UAM -
ects: 4
History of British literature after 1900
prof UAM dr hab. Agnieszka Setecka; dr Beniamin Kłaniecki -
ects: 5
History of British literature before 1900
prof. dr hab. Liliana Sikorska, dr Jacek Olesiejko -
ects: 8
History of State Systems
Piotr Pilarczyk -
ects: 3
History of the USA (to 1945)
dr Tomasz Skirecki -
ects: 3
How to plan professional career - tips for young scientists
dr Jagna Chmielowska-Bąk -
ects: 6
Human Rights And Technology In The Digital Age – An Interdisciplinary Perspective
dr Łukasz Szoszkiewicz -
ects: 2
Human impact on rivers of central Europe
prof. UAM dr hab. Marcin Słowik -
ects: 6
Human-Machine Interfaces With Language Competence
prof. dr hab. Zygmunt Vetulani and dr Irakli Kardava -
ects: 2
Humanist Texts on Education
prof. zw. dr hab. Piotr Urbański -
ects: 3
prof. UAM dr hab. Aleksandra Pajzderska -
ects: 4
prof. UAM dr hab. Aleksandra Pajzderska -
ects: 6
Ice Of The Earth - Glaciology
dr Jakub Małecki -
ects: 4
Ice Of The Earth - Introduction To Glaciology
dr Jakub Małecki -
ects: 2
Inclusive communication
dr Anna Jelec -
ects: 2
Information And Communication Technologies In Education
dr Joanna Sikorska -
ects: 4
Inheritance mechanisms - principles of genetics
prof UAM dr hab. Aleksandra Półtorak, prof. UAM dr hab. Konrad Celiński, prof. UAM dr hab. Ewa Chudzińska -
ects: 5
Insect-plant interactions: from molecules to communities
prof. UAM dr hab. Freerk Molleman -
ects: 8
Intellectual Property And Unfair Competition
dr hab. Jakub Kępiński -
ects: 3
Intercultural Dialogue (winter semester)
dr Borys Szumański -
ects: 3
Intercultural Dialogue: Workshop
dr Borys Szumański -
ects: 4
Intercultural Management
prof. UAM dr hab. Jacek Sójka -
ects: 6
Interrogation in Polish criminal procedure – the methods of questioning and deception detection
dr Jagoda Dzida -
ects: 6
Introduction To 3D Modelling And Immersive Virtual Reality
dr inż. Łukasz Halik -
ects: 5
Introduction To Chinese Philosophy
dr Dawid Rogacz -
ects: 6
Introduction To Dendrochronology
dr Agata Buchwał, dr Paweł Matulewski -
ects: 8
Introduction To Employment Law
Michał Skapski -
Introduction To European Collective Labour Law
dr Jakub Gołaś -
ects: 6
Introduction To European Social Security Law
dr Maciej Zieliński -
ects: 8
Introduction To Information Technology Law
dr Krzysztof Żok -
ects: 8
Introduction To International Criminal Law And Procedure
prof. zw. dr hab. Paweł Wiliński -
ects: 5
Introduction To Numerical Analysis
dr Iwona Gulaczyk -
ects: 4
Introduction To Participatory Geographic Information Systems: Concepts And Applications
Prof. Dr Piotr Jankowski -
ects: 8
Introduction To Polish Business Law
prof. UAM dr hab. Aneta Suchoń -
ects: 3
Introduction To Psychology
dr Joanna Jarmużek -
ects: 3
Introduction To Social Psychology
dr Joanna Jarmużek -
ects: 2
Introduction To Sociology
prof. UAM dr hab. Daria Hejwosz-Gromkowska -
ects: 4
Introduction To Spatial Decision Support Systems
Prof. Dr Piotr Jankowski -
ects: 8
Introduction To The European Migration Law
dr Julia Wojnowska - Radzińska -
ects: 4
Introduction To The Tourism I. Tourism And Business Management.
prof. UAM dr hab. Rafał Dymczyk -
ects: 5
Introduction To The Tourism Ii. Tour Guiding.
prof. UAM dr hab. Rafał Dymczyk -
ects: 6
Introduction to Formal Analysis
prof. dr hab. D. Bugajewski -
ects: 8
Introduction to Intellectual Property Law
dr hab. Jakub Kępiński -
ects: 2
Introduction to Latin Paleography
prof. dr hab. Piotr Bering -
ects: 8
Introduction to Legal Philosophy
dr Maciej Dybowski -
ects: 2
Introduction to literary studies
dr hab. Paweł Stachura, prof. UAM -
ects: 3
Introduction to neurolinguistics
dr hab. Katarzyna Bromberek - Dyzman, prof. UAM -
ects: 4
Introduction to the methodology of teaching English to young learners
mgr Joanna Kotowska -
ects: 6
Introductory GIS
Prof. dr hab. Zbigniew Zwoliński -
Jogging/Nordic walking
dr Marek Kruk -
ects: 0
Jogging/Nordic walking
dr Marek Kruk -
ects: 3
Karst and caves
dr Ditta Kicińska -
ects: 6
La Géographie Physique
prof. UAM dr hab. Iwona Piotrowska -
ects: 3
Language acquisition and learning
prof. UAM dr hab. Anna Ewert -
ects: 4
Languages in the Mediterranean world. From antiquity until the present
prof. UAM dr hab. Rafał Rosół -
ects: 6
Las atracciones turisticas de Gran Polonia y Poznań
dr Ilona Potocka -
ects: 5
Law and Opera
prof. UAM dr hab. Przemysław Krzywoszyński -
Learn German Through Pop Music A1+
mgr Monika Marcinkowska -
Learn German Through Pop Music A1+
mgr Monika Marcinkowska -
ects: 8
Legal Acts In Criminal Proceedings: Conceptual, Theoretical And Practical Approaches
prof. UAM dr hab. Barbara Janusz-Pohl -
ects: 3
Lifestyle And Health Status Of Indigenous People
prof. UAM dr hab. Grażyna Liczbińska -
ects: 4
Linguistic theory: Syntax
prof. dr hab. Jacek Witkoś -
ects: 5
Linux, shell and system programming
prof. UAM dr hab. Grzegorz Musiał -
ects: 5
Literary Representations of Central European History
dr Urszula Kowalska-Nadolna -
ects: 5
Literary Theory
prof. UAM dr hab. Marcin Telicki -
ects: 5
Literature and New Media
dr Mariusz Pisarski -
ects: 5
Logic and Cognition
prof. UAM dr hab. Mariusz Urbanski -
ects: 6
Logic and Computation
prof. dr hab. Wojciech Buszkowski -
ects: 6
Mammalogy – Biology, Evolution And Diversity Of Mammals [Module]
prof. dr hab. Leszek Rychlik -
ects: 8
Masterpieces and Bestsellers of the Central European Literatures in the Comparative Perspective
dr hab. Anna Skibska -
ects: 4
Masterpieces of Ancient Literature
prof. Robert Maryks -
ects: 6
Masterpieces of Polish Literature
dr Marcin Jauksz -
ects: 4
Masterpieces of Roman Literature
dr Łukasz Berger -
ects: 2
Mechanisms, Effects Of Drugs Action And Drugs Interactions In Human
Agnieszka Knopik-Skrocka -
ects: 2
Mediation As An Alternative Form Of Conflict Solution In A Family, School And Peer Environment.
dr Joanna Rajewska De Mezer -
ects: 3
Mediation As An Alternative Method To Solve Conflict
dr Paulina Perska-Gradowska -
ects: 2
Medical discourses in literary and paraliterary texts in English across centuries
dr Katarzyna Bronk - Bacon -
ects: 5
Memory in Courtroom
dr hab. Maciej Hanczakowski, prof. UAM -
ects: 5
Methods In Social Anthropology (Hw)
dr Hannah Wadle -
ects: 4
Methods and Applications: LANGUAGE PLANNING
Tomasz Wicherkiewicz -
ects: 5
Migration, Racism, Xenophobia And Multiculturalism In Europe
Michal Buchowski -
ects: 6
Mobile Systems Security
dr inż. Michał Ren -
ects: 6
Models of Mathematical Biology
prof. UAM dr hab. Michał Jasiczak -
Module title: British literary studies
dr Urszula Kizelbach -
ects: 4
Molecular Biology of Growth and Development of Flowering Plants
prof. dr hab. Małgorzata Garnczarska -
ects: 4
Molecular Ecology
Prof. dr hab. Witold Wachowiak -
ects: 4
Multiculturalism As A Policy In Postcolonial Countries
dr Łukasz Kaczmarek -
ects: 4
Multilingualism and Multiculturalism in the European Union
Dr Barbara A. Jańczak -
ects: 5
Nations And Nationalism In Europe
Michal Buchowski -
ects: 5
Natural Environment Of Central Europe
prof. dr hab. Grzegorz Rachlewicz -
ects: 5
Neo-patriarchy. A recurring idea of the hierarchical gender order
prof. UAM dr hab. Monika Bobako -
ects: 4
Networked Society: New Media For Democracy
dr Agnieszka Filipiak -
ects: 3
New Architecture and Urban Design
dr inż. arch. Marta Szejnfeld, dr inż. arch. Kamila Sikorska-Podyma -
ects: 2
New Media In Education
dr Joanna Sikorska -
ects: 4
No kidding. Introduction to (new) childhood studies.
dr Maja Brzozowska-Brywczyńska Maja Brzozowska-Brywczyńska -
ects: 2
Nucleic Acids Biotechnology Techniques
prof. UAM dr hab. Donata Pluskota-Karwatka -
ects: 4
nociones del polaco a partir del español
mgr Patrycja Domaradzka -
ects: 4
Objects Of Power. Materiality Of Politics And Politics Of Materiality
prof. UAM dr hab. Andrzej Wojciech Nowak -
ects: 2
Old age in British and American culture and literature
dr Katarzyna Bronk - Bacon -
Online communication strategies for the arts and culture
Piotr Firych, PhD -
ects: 5
Organic Chemistry (Intermediate Course)
prof. UAM dr hab. Donata Pluskota-Karwatka -
ects: 5
Parallel Processing In Distributed Systems
prof. UAM dr hab. Grzegorz Musiał -
ects: 4
Personal name systems of the V4 region
prof. UAM dr hab. Justyna Walkowiak -
ects: 4
Philosophy of Law. Ideas and Applications
prof. dr hab. Marek Smolak -
ects: 6
Philosophy of Style
prof. dr hab. Piotr Leśniewski, dr Katarzyna Gan-Krzywoszyńska -
ects: 0
dr Marta Gębala -
ects: 8
Plant Physiology
Prof. dr hab. Magdalena Arasimowicz, dr Łukasz Wojtyla, dr Małgorzata Adamiec, dr hab. Teresa Lehmann -
ects: 4
Plant Responses To Environmental Stresses
prof. Magdalena Arasimowicz-Jelonek, dr Jagna Chmielowska-Bąk -
ects: 4
Platonism in J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis
dr hab. Mateusz Stróżyński -
ects: 6
Poland For Beginners: Society, Culture, Politics & Education
Dobrochna Hildebrandt - Wypych (coordinator), Mateusz Marciniak, Monika Christoph -
Polish Literature in the European Context
dr Weronika Szwebs -
ects: 6
Polish Musical Traditions
prof. dr hab. Ryszard Golianek, dr Łukasz Smoluch, dr Jakub Kasperski -
ects: 5
Polish Rock Music: People, Events, Contexts
prof. UAM dr hab. Anna Idzikowska-Czubaj -
ects: 5
Political Life In Poland
dr Stanisław Zyborowicz -
ects: 5
Politics and Change in the Middle East
Assoc. Prof. Przemysław Osiewicz -
Politics and Religion in the Modern World
Prof. UAM. dr hab. Christopher Korten -
ects: 5
Popular Culture of the Central Europe and the Balkans
dr Urszula Kowalska-Nadolna -
ects: 4
Popular Culture: Introduction
prof. UAM dr hab. Marcin Telicki -
ects: 4
Population Genomics
Prof. dr hab. Witold Wachowiak -
ects: 4
Practical module: Communication in the Cross-Cultural Tourism
prof. UAM dr hab. Rafał Dymczyk -
ects: 3
Practical module: Cross-Cultural Business Communications
dr Kostiantyn Mazur -
ects: 3
Practical module: Cross-Cultural Business Communications
dr Kostiantyn Mazur -
ects: 4
Preparation For Teaching Practice With Internship
dr Mateusz Marciniak -
ects: 5
Preparation of a scientific publication
prof. UAM dr hab. Danuta Michalska -
ects: 6
Principles Of Chemical Technology
Prof. UAM dr hab. Maciej Trejda (lecture - 15h, outdoor activity - 30h); Prof. UAM dr hab. Ewa Janiszewska (laboratory - 30h); Prof. UAM dr hab. Agnieszka Held (laboratory - 30h) -
ects: 4
Principles Of Medical Virology
prof. UAM dr hab. Julia Łucja Durzyńska, prof. UAM dr hab. Robert Nawrot, dr hab. Justyna Broniarczyk -
ects: 8
Principles of Criminal Procedure in Common Law and Civil Law Systems
prof. UAM dr hab. Barbara Janusz-Pohl -
ects: 8
Private international law
dr hab., prof. UAM Maciej Mataczyński -
ects: 5
Professional Presentations with Intentional Highbrow Humour
mgr Danuta Furszpaniak -
ects: 8
Property Law & Security Transactions
prof. zw. dr hab. Tomasz Sokołowski -
ects: 3
Protection of children at risk of social maladjustment - a comparative approach
dr Paulina Perska-Gradowska -
ects: 5
Psychology Of Conspiracy Theories
dr Michał Kosakowski -
ects: 6
Psychopedagogical Diagnosis In Education And Psychopathology Of Children And Youth
dr Mateusz Marciniak -
Race, Gender and Sport
prof. UAM dr hab. Honorata Jakubowska -
ects: 4
Reading (from) men, reading (from) women. Contemporary Croatian Literature in Terms of Gender Studies
mgr Natalia Łozińska -
Reading and writing academic texts
Bartłomiej Kruk, MA -
ects: 4
Refresher Course in Teaching English to children
mgr Joanna Kotowska -
ects: 4
Refreshment Course On British Pronunciation: Intonation With Elements Of Voice Management.
mgr Agata Rataszewska -
ects: 4
Refreshment course on British Pronunciation: Sounds, Stress and Rhythm
mgr Agata Rataszewska -
ects: 6
Regional And European Integration In Northern Europe
prof. UAM dr Jarosław Jańczak -
ects: 1
Regional geography of eastern Europe (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Ukraine and Russia)
prof. UAM dr hab. Marcin Słowik -
ects: 3
Remote Sensing For Unesco World Heritage Protection
dr Lidia Żuk -
ects: 5
Representation and Reception – cinematographic portraits of Central Europe and the Balkans
dr Adrianna Woroch -
ects: 4
Research Ethics and Research Integrity
prof. dr hab. Ewa Nowak -
Restoration Ecology in the Anthropocene
Prof. dr hab. Mariusz Lamentowicz -
ects: 2
Reviewing theatre
dr hab. Jacek Fabiszak, prof. UAM -
ects: 5
Roads And Off-Roads Of Political Correctness (B-Learning Course)
dr hab. Bartosz Hordecki -
ects: 3
Romanticism and Popular Culture
prof. UAM dr hab. Wojciech Hamerski -
ects: 5
Roots of European Culture and Literature
dr Cezary Dobak -
ects: 2
School And Emancipation
dr Aneta Judzińska -
Scientific Data Visualisation
dr hab. Łukasz Grewling, mgr Asad Siddiquee, dr Paweł Bogawski -
ects: 3
Sexual offenders (in prison) – therapy and correction
dr Magdalena Sadowska -
ects: 4
Shakespeare and Antiquity
prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Wesołowska -
ects: 3
Shrinking cities
prof. Tadeusz Stryjakiewicz, dr Przemysław Ciesiółka -
ects: 6
Siberian Environments, Geoheritage And Tourism
prof. dr hab. Jiri Chlachula -
ects: 3
Signal And Energy Processing In Nanopatterned Materials
prof. UAM dr hab. Jarosław Wojciech Kłos -
ects: 4
Small-group work as a teaching strategy
prof. UAM dr hab. Małgorzata Rosalska -
ects: 3
Social Innovation Lab
dr Joanna Morawska -
ects: 4
Social Mobility, Identity And Power
dr Łukasz Kaczmarek -
ects: 4
Social Mobility. Climbing Up The Social Ladder
prof. UAM dr hab. Jakub Isański -
ects: 4
Social Psychology
dr hab. prof UAM Hanna Mamzer -
ects: 6
Social and Ethical Issues in Computing
dr Bartłomiej Chomański -
ects: 5
Society and Culture in Postcommunist Poland
prof. UAM dr hab. Izabella Dorota Main -
ects: 2
Society, Culture & Education In Contemporary England
prof. UAM dr hab Daria Hejwosz-Gromkowska -
Sociology of Home and Dwelling
dr Marta Skowrońska -
ects: 5
Soft Skills Champions. How To Master Effective Communication
mgr Katarzyna Czajkowska -
ects: 5
Soft Skills Champions. How To Master Effective Communication
mgr Katarzyna Czajkowska -
ects: 5
Soft Skills Workshop
dr Izabela Cytlak (coordinator), dr Joanna Jarmuzek (lecturer) -
ects: 5
Soil Science
dr hab. inż. Karolina Lewińska -
ects: 5
Sources and Traditions of British, French and Polish Democracy: Basic Analogies
prof. UAM dr hab. Przemysław Krzywoszyński -
ects: 4
Spanish for true beginners
dr Bogumiła Mandelt -
ects: 4
Spanish for true beginners
dr Bogumiła Mandelt -
ects: 5
prof. zw. dr hab. Marek Sikorski -
ects: 4
St. Augustine’s Confessions as the mirror of the culture of Late Antiquity
dr hab. Mateusz Stróżyński -
ects: 5
dr hab. Iwona Gulaczyk -
ects: 3
Sunlight Energy Conversion
Prof. Marcin Ziółek -
ects: 6
Sustainable development - policy and practice
dr inż. Wojciech Dyba -
ects: 0
mgr Filip Przymusiński -
ects: 0
mgr Filip Przymusiński -
ects: 0
Tennis - sports classes
dr Piotr Ogarzyński -
ects: 0
Tennis - sports classes
dr Piotr Ogarzyński -
ects: 5
The Art Of Dialogue
dr hab. Bartosz Hordecki -
ects: 6
The Best Of Contemporary Polish Philosophy
dr hab. prof. UAM Piotr Leśniewski, dr Katarzyna Gan-Krzywoszyńska -
ects: 4
The Byzantine Empire: history, culture, literature
dr Cezary Dobak -
ects: 5
The Canon of Balkan Literature – selected problems
dr Paweł Dziadul -
ects: 5
The Canon of the Central European Literature
dr Urszula Kowalska-Nadolna -
ects: 4
The Concept of Free Will Throughout the Ages
prof. UAM dr hab. Maria Marcinkowska-Rosół -
ects: 4
The Early Greek Lyric Poets
prof. dr hab. Krystyna Bartol -
ects: 3
The Economic Geography of the Car Market
dr Bartłomiej Kołsut -
ects: 6
The Future Of Cities
Tomasz Kayser M.A., MBA -
ects: 4
The Management Of Aquatic Ecosystems
prof. UAM dr hab. Katarzyna Kowalczewska-Madura, prof. UAM dr hab. Piotr Klimaszyk, prof. UAM dr hab. Renata Dondajewska-Pielka -
ects: 4
The Right Tool For The Job - Some Aspectsof Ecological Adaptations And Speciation
prof. UAM dr hab. Iwona Melosik -
ects: 4
The encounters between East and West in East Asia in the early modern era
Robert Aleksander Maryks -
ects: 8
The international protection of the world's cultural heritage
prof. UAM dr hab. Anna Gerecka-Żołyńska -
ects: 2
Theatre for standardised/simulated patient medical training
dr Dagmara Gizło -
ects: 5
Theatrical Forms in Preschool and Early Childhood Education
PhD Michalina Kasprzak -
ects: 5
Theories of Intercultural Communication
prof. UAM dr hab. Andrzej Zaporowski -
ects: 5
"They Cut, We Bleed": Protest Movements In Time Of Austerity
prof. UAM dr hab. Joanna Rak -
ects: 6
prof. dr hab. Jerzy Kąkol -
ects: 2
Tourism Resource Development
mgr Qihang Qiu -
ects: 6
Tourist Services In Poland
dr Krzysztof Piotrowski -
ects: 3
Touristic Attractions Of Northern Europe
dr Ewelina Lipka -
ects: 5
Toxic Threats Of Aquatic Environments
Mikołaj Kokociński -
ects: 4
Tumors And Their Microenvironment - Cellular And Histopathological Aspects
Agnieszka Knopik-Skrocka -
ects: 4
Understanding biodiversity - exploring, collecting and interpreting
dr hab. Szymon Konwerski; prof. UAM dr hab. Justyna Wiland-Szymańska -
ects: 4
Underwater Tourism.
prof. UAM dr hab. Rafał Dymczyk -
ects: 5
Urban Agriculture
prof. UAM dr hab. Barbara Maćkiewicz -
Urban Innovation Lab
dr Joanna Morawska -
ects: 4
Urban planning project
dr inż. Wojciech Dyba -
ects: 5
Video Games Discourse Analysis
dr Jakub Kłeczek -
Visual Culture And Semiotics. Selected Issues
dr Katarzyna Machtyl -
ects: 5
War And Society In The Greek And Roman World
Łukasz Różycki -
ects: 5
War And Warfare In Late Antiquity
Łukasz Różycki -
ects: 4
Waste management - selected issues
prof. UAM dr hab. Anna Kozak -
ects: 3
Web Mapping
dr Michał Rzeszewski -
Welfare Sociology
dr Mariusz Baranowski -
ects: 3
Welsh film
dr Karolina Rosiak -
ects: 4
Western Rhetorical Communication
dr Sławomira Brud -
What moves us? Drivers of mobility and transport behaviour from the perspective of sustainability and social justice
dr Filip Schmidt -
ects: 5
White ignorance. Epistemology of race and domination
prof. UAM dr hab. Monika Bobako -
ects: 5
Why do Jokers Win? Humour across Disciplines and in Multimedia Presentations
mgr Danuta Furszpaniak -
ects: 6
Wine Tourism
prof. dr hab. Jiri Chlachula -
ects: 4
Zeitenwende. Turning point in Germany's foreign and economic policy
dr Rafał Szymanowski -
ects: 5
Моделирование И Прогнозирование Международных Отношений/International Forecast And Simulations
prof. UAM dr hab. Łukasz Donaj