General information

Course type AMUPIE
Module title Introduction to Academic Research and Writing
Language English
Module lecturer dr Sławomira Brud
Lecturer's email
Lecturer position senior lecturer
Faculty Faculty of Polish and Classical Philology
Semester 2025/2026 (winter)
Duration 30
USOS code 03-AP-IARW


online via Ms Teams

Module aim (aims)

To develop an understanding of the fundamental principles of Intellectual Property Law.
To recognize the legal and disciplinary consequences of copyright infringement.
To acquire knowledge of ethical standards in academic research and writing.

Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences (where relevant)


1. Academic Integrity
1.1. Definition and Importance of Academic Integrity
1.2. Violations of Academic Integrity: Cheating, Fabrication, Falsification, Obstruction, Aiding and Abetting, Plagiarism (Definitions and Examples)
1.3. Student Collaboration: Authorized vs. Unauthorized Practices


2. Sources
2.1. Citation Requirements: What Must and Must Not Be Cited (Including Common Knowledge)
2.2. Originality and Ethical Standards in Student Research
2.3. Popular vs. Scholarly Sources: Key Differences
2.4. Characteristics of Scholarly Sources (Books and Academic Journals)
2.5. Primary and Secondary Sources: Definitions and Examples
2.6. Selecting Appropriate Sources for Academic Assignments
2.7. Criteria for Evaluating the Credibility and Reliability of Sources


3. Referencing
3.1. Overview of Citation Styles (APA, MLA, Chicago) and Their Key Features
3.2. Criteria for Selecting the Appropriate Citation Style
3.3. Citation and Referencing Examples Across Different Source Types and Citation Styles (Practical Assignment)
3.4. Reference Management Software: Purpose and Benefits
3.5. Online Citation and Referencing Generators: Advantages and Limitations


4. Intellectual Property Rights
4.1. Definition and Scope of Creative Work
4.2. Moral vs. Economic Copyrights: Key Distinctions
4.3. Copyright Limitations: Permissible Uses in Personal and Public Contexts
4.4. Copyright Protection: Moral and Economic Aspects


5. Open Licenses


6. Guidelines for the Use of Artificial Intelligence at AMU


7. Regulations for the Diploma Process at AMU

Reading list

— Grant Andrews, Referencing, Citation and Bibliography Style Guide: How to Cite Sources and Integrate Quotes, [Stellenbosch]: Academic Coaching, 2017
— Stephen Bailey, Academic Writing: A Handbook for International Students, 4 ed., Abingdon - New York: Routledge 2015
— Joanne M. Weselby, Citations Made Simple: A Student s Guide to Easy Referencing, vol I: The APA Format, vol., II: The Harvard Format, vol III: The Chicago Format, vol V: The Oxford Format, vol. VI The MLA Format, [Seattle]: Amazon Create Space, 2014.
— WIPO Intellectual Property Handbook: Policy, Law and Use, ed. World Intelectual Property Organisation, WIPO publication no. 489 (E)/2008,