General information

Course type AMUPIE
Module title French in everyday life part II
Language French
Module lecturer dr Edyta Mosorka
Lecturer's email
Lecturer position lecturer
Faculty Foreign Languages Teaching Centre
Semester 2024/2025 (summer)
Duration 30


1 group = 30h

1 group: Tuesday 14:45-16:15 room 314


Module aim (aims)

Assimilation of basic structures and vocabulary in French language used for communication in daily situations development of four language skills, especially listening and speaking on level A1 acquiring culture information about French people and country; comparing it with other cultures

Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences (where relevant)

The course is dedicated for beginners, students who dont know french and who are interested in discovering french language and culture.


Week 1: Talk about daily schedule, activities

Week 2: Everyday courtesy phrases: I would like, I would like, you could...?

Week 3: Shopping –  how to operate in a store, nutrition

Week 4: Go to a restaurant, food selection, payment ways

Week 5: Means of transport, asking directions,

Week 6: Body parts,

Week 7: Visiting a doctor, health condition

Week 8: Sport and health activities

Week 9: Know how to introduce your family,

Week 10: Weather,  what’s the weather like?

Week 11: Wear, clothes

Week 12: Write simple email

Week 13: Express your emotions

Week 14: Repetition and Review

Week 15: Evaluation Test

Reading list