General information
Course type | AMUPIE |
Module title | Examination of the authenticity of documents |
Language | English |
Module lecturer | dr Małgorzata Hrehorowicz |
Lecturer's email | |
Lecturer position | |
Faculty | Faculty of Law and Administration |
Semester | 2025/2026 (summer) |
Duration | 30 |
ECTS | 6 |
USOS code | - |
Friday, 15:00-16:30
Module aim (aims)
- To inform students about the general concepts of document in Polish criminal, civil and administrative procedure and in forensic science
- To present the areas and purposes of the criminal use of documents
- To familiarise students with document security features (using the example of Polish documents: banknotes, identity cards, passports, driving licences and vehicle registration cards)
- To familiarise students with the basic methods of verifying the authenticity of documents
Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences (where relevant)
Week 1: The concept of document in criminal, civil, administrative procedure and forensic science
Week 2-3: The basic terms of the document
Week 4-5: Areas and purposes of criminal use of documents
Week 6-7: Basic types of anti-counterfeiting document security features
Week 8: Anti-counterfeiting banknote security features
Week 9: Anti-counterfeiting security features of the identity card
Week 10: Anti-counterfeiting passport security features
Week 11: Anti-counterfeiting security of driving licence and vehicle registration card
Week 12: The latest anti-counterfeiting document security features
Week 13: Verification of authenticity of documents: handwriting examinations
Week 14-15: Verification of authenticity of documents: technical examination of documents
Reading list
Literature in English:
- Lewis, J., A., (2014), Forencis Document Examination. Fundamentals and Current Trends, Academic Press.
- Mainolfi Koppenhaver K., (2007), Forensic Document Examination, Humana Press.
- Public Register of Authentic Travel and Identity Documents Online (PRADO), (23.01.2025)
Literature in Polish:
- Ustawa z 6 czerwca 1997 r. Kodeks karny
- Ustawa z 6 czerwca 1997 r. Kodeks postępowania karnego
- Ustawa z 23 kwietnia 1964 r. Kodeks cywilny
- Ustawa z 17 listopada 1964 r. Kodeks postępowania cywilnego
- Ustawa z 14 czerwca 1960 r. Kodeks postępowania administracyjnego
- Ustawa z 22 listopada 2018 r. o dokumentach publicznych
- Gruza, E., Goc, M., Moszczyński J., (2020), Czyli rzecz o metodach dowodzenia przestępstw, Wolters Kluwer Polska.
- Poznaj polskie banknoty w obiegu, Zabezpieczenia polskich banknotów (, (14.02.2024)
- Rejestr Dokumentów Publicznych - RDP - Portal (, (14.02.2024)
- Zabezpieczenia banknotów EURO, pdf (, (14.02.2024)
- Kołecki H. (red.), Technicznokryminalistyczne badania autentyczności dokumentów publicznych, Materiały konferencji 1-8, Wyd. Poznańskie, Poznań 2003-2011
- Kołecki H., (2002), Technicznokryminalistyczne badania autentyczności dokumentów publicznych, Wyd. Poznańskie.