General information

Course type AMUPIE
Module title Introduction To European Collective Labour Law
Language English
Module lecturer dr Jakub Gołaś
Lecturer's email
Lecturer position Assistant Professor
Faculty Faculty of Law and Administration
Semester 2025/2026 (summer)
Duration 20
USOS code 10-OCLL-w-Erasm


Module aim (aims)

This lecture aims to present to Students basic knowledge about collective labour law from the perspective of both EU and selected national legal systems (Poland, UK, Germany, etc.). During lectures, such issues will be addressed like the evolution of industrial relations law in Europe, freedom of association, actors of industrial relations and their powers, collective bargaining, industrial conflict and non-union representation of workers in undertakings.

Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences (where relevant)

No prerequisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competencies.



1. History of Collective Labour Law in Europe.

2. Actors engaged in industrial relations: statistical background, legal position.

3. Freedom of Association: theory, legislation (ILO, UN, Council of Europe, EU), other fundamental guarantees.

4. Collective bargaining: EU and national level.

5. Collective action: from freedom to right, EU standards, types of collective action.

6. Information, consultation and workers' participation in undertakings: European Working Councils, European Company Statute, and other instruments.

7. Future of industrial relations in Europe.

Reading list

1. I. Smith, A. Baker, O. Warnock, Employment Law, Oxford University Press 2017

2. C. Bernard, EU Employment Law, Oxford University Press 2012

3. K. W. Baran (ed.), Outline of Polish Labour Law System. Wolters Kluwer 2016

4. K.W. Baran (ed.), Principles of Polish Labour Law, C. H. Beck 2018

5. K.W. Baran (ed.), Polish Collective Employment Law, C.H.Beck 2019

6. T. Jaspers, F. Pennings, S. Peters, European Labour law, Intersentia 2019