General information

Course type AMUPIE
Module title Swimming
Language English
Module lecturer mgr Filip Przymusiński
Lecturer's email
Lecturer position Starszy wykładowca
Faculty The School of Physical Education and Sport
Semester 2024/2025 (summer)
Duration 30


Wednesday, 11.00- 12.30 swimming – mgr Filip Przymusiński (swimming pool)

Module aim (aims)

To learn the rules, fundamentals, skills and benefits of swimming.To learn how to correctly execute required skills and techniques as well as to use the equipment/facilities safely.

Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences (where relevant)

Having a student status erasmusLeads an active pro-health lifestyle and can swim 50 meters properly in one or several stylesHe cultivates his own preferences in the field of physical culture and is aware of its positive impact on mental and physical health


Bilateral Breathing for freestyle (breathing equally on both sides) water adjustment, back front, prone float (front gliding float), treading waterSurvival floatingElementary backstrokeBack crawlBreaststrokeButterfly-introductionTurns

Reading list

Ryszard Karpiński-Pływanie.Podstawy techniki,nauczanie. -ŚKKF,Katowice 2009Edmund Bartkowiak-Pływanie sportowe. -wyd.SiT,Warszawa 1972Edmund Bartkowiak-Nauczanie pływania,Mieczysław Witkowski-Podstawy bezpieczeństwa w wodzie. -MAW,Warszawa 1986