General information

Course type AMUPIE
Module title Heritage of Poland as a Tourist Attraction
Language english
Module lecturer dr Krzysztof Piotrowski
Lecturer's email
Lecturer position assistant professor
Faculty Faculty of Geographical and Geological Sciences
Semester 2024/2025 (winter)
Duration 45


Will be given later.

Module aim (aims)

The aim of the course is to provide students with the tourist attractiveness of natural and culture heritage of Poland. Students conduct a survey to check what is interesting for foreigners in Poland. Based on results students prepare programs of trip to Poland for groups of various interests and nationalities.

Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences (where relevant)

Basic knowledge about Poland.


Week 1 (3 h)*:
basic tourism terminology, especially classification of tourist attractions. Tourist regionalization of Poland.

Week 2 (6 h):
natural heritage of Poland
preparation the survey of tourist attractiveness perception of Poland by foreigners
natural heritage of Poland (by physical regions)

Week 3 (6 h):
protected areas of nature as a tourist attractionspractical classes
providing tourists into the protected areas of naturepractical classes
preparation and conducting the survey

Week 4 (6 h):
culture heritage of Poland

Week 5 (6 h):
culture heritage of Poland
analysing survey resutls

Week 6 (6 h):
culture heritage of Poland
presentation results of the survey - evaluation of polish heritage as a tourist attraction

Week 7 (6 h):
basic of tours programming
preparing programs of trip to Poland 

Week 8 (6 h):
presentation and evaluation of the programs


*1 h = 45 minutes 

Reading list