General information

Course type AMUPIE
Module title Masterpieces of Polish Literature
Language English
Module lecturer dr Marcin Jauksz
Lecturer's email
Lecturer position adiunkt
Faculty Faculty of Polish and Classical Philology
Semester 2025/2026 (winter)
Duration 60
USOS code 03-AP-MPL


Module aim (aims)

Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences (where relevant)


Course learning content:

Polish masterpieces in historical context
The criteria allowing to distinguish a masterpiece in literature
Literary currents, conventions, genres and types of literature in a culture
A work of art as a carrier of certain values and worldviews and the essential element in a tradition
A work of art as a source of historical knowledge and history as a context for interpretation of a literary work.
An author’s biography and interpretation of his work
Adaptations and paraphrases of a literary work as ways of its presence in the social consciousness

Reading list

  1. Medieval Literature of Poland: an Anthology. Ed. Michael J. Mikoś. New York: Garland. [now Oxford, UK: Taylor & Francis]. 1992.
  2. Kochanowski, Laments, transl. S. Barańczak, S. Heaney
  3. Sęp Szarzyński, The Poetry of Mikołaj Sęp Szarzyński, R. Sokolski Ed., Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1990.
  4. Polish Baroque and Enlightenment literature: an anthology, Michael J. Mikoś Ed, Columbus: Ohio Slavica Publishers [1996].
  5. Potocki, The manuscript found in Saragossa, transl. I. Maclean, London: Penguin 1996.
  6. Polish Romantic drama: three plays in English translation, selected and edited, [translated from the Polish and] with an introduction by Harold B. Segel, Ithaca; London: Cornell University Press, 1977.
  7. Orzeszkowa, On the Niemen, transl. Michelle Granas […] 2014.
  8. Prus, The Doll, transl. D. Welsh, New York: Hippocrene 1993.
  9. Sienkiewicz, With fire and sword, transl. W. Kuniczak, New York: Copernicus Society of America 1991
  10. Żeromski, Ashes, transl. H. Sienkieiwcz-Zand, New York-London, A. A. Knopf, 1928.
  11. S. Reymont, The Peasants, transl. M. H. Dziewicki, London: Jarrolds 1925-28.
  12. I. Witkiewicz, The Witkiewicz reader, edited, translated and with an introduction by D. Gerould, London: Quartet 1993.
  13. Schulz, The Street of Crocodiles – Sanatorium under the Sign of Hourglass
  14. Nałkowska, Medallions, Northwestern University Press 1999.
  15. Gombrowicz, Diary, New Haven – London: Yale University Press 2012.
  16. Mrożek, Streptease – Tango – Vatzlav, New York: Grove Press 1981.
  17. Fifteen Polish Modern Short Stories. An Annotated Reader and Glossary, A. M. Schenker ed., New Haven – London: Yale University Press 1970.
  18. The Eagle and the Crow. Contemporary Polish Short Fiction, Teresa and George Hyde Eds., Serpent’s