General information

Course type AMUPIE
Module title Forensic expertise - legal and forensic aspects
Language English
Module lecturer dr Małgorzata Hrehorowicz
Lecturer's email
Lecturer position
Faculty Faculty of Law and Administration
Semester 2024/2025 (summer)
Duration 30
USOS code -


Fridays 1.30 pm - 3.00 pm, Collegium Iuricicum Novum, room 4.15

Module aim (aims)

- to familiarise students with the basic issues of expertise and expert witnesses in the Polish justice system

- to present the principles of establishing expert witnesses in Poland

- to introduce to the students the principles of preparing an expert opinion and the assessment of expert evidence by the court

- to acquaint students with the basic expertises carried out in the course of judicial proceedings

Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences (where relevant)



Week 1-2: Basic concepts relating to expertise and experts

Week 3-4: Establishment of expert witnesses in the Polish judiciary

Week 5-6: Methodology for the expert's report

Week 7: Evaluation of expert evidence by the court

Week 8-15: Issues relating to selected forensic and non-forensic expertise: dactyloscopic, biological traces, traseological and mechanoscopic, ballistic, handwriting examinations, psychological and psychiatric, information technology, toxicological and alcoholological, osmological and variographical


2. Learning effects:

 Having completed the course, the student is able to:

- define basic terms relating to forensic expertise

- define the rules for appointing forensic experts in Poland

- determine the rules for the preparation of an expert report in the course of legal proceedings

- indicate the criteria for assessing expert evidence

- distinguish between individual forensic and non-forensic expert opinions, and indicate the basis on which they are carried out

 2. Understanding information:

Having completed the course, the student is able to:

- distinguish between the rules on the appointment of experts in the various court procedures

- indicate the differences between the rules for appointing expert witnesses in Poland and in other EU countries

- distinguish the various stages in the assessment of expert evidence by the court

- distinguish between individual forensic and non-forensic expert opinions


3. Using information in typical situation:

Having completed the course, the student is able to:

- indicate the principles for establishing an expert witness in a specific court case

- apply the criteria for assessing expert evidence in a specific court case

- propose the type of opinion and the speciality of the expert in the specific court case

 4. Using information in problematic situation:

Having completed the course, the student is able to:

- propose how the opinion should be carried out in a given case

- analyse the feasibility of assessing expert evidence in a specific case

- propose a way of resolving the case, taking into account the special knowledge required



Literature in English:

  1. Anderson P., R., Winfree L. T. Jr.,(1987), Expertt Witnesses. Criminologist in the Courtroom. State University of New York Press.
  2. Dwyer, D. (2008). The Judicial Assessment of Expert Evidence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  3. Saferstein R., (2014), Criminalistics. An Introduction to Ferencis Science. Pearson Education Limited.


Literature in Polish:

  1. Czeczot Z., Tomaszewski T., Kryminalistyka ogólna, Toruń, 1996,
  2. Goc M., Moszczyński J. (red.), Ślady kryminalistyczne. Ujawnianie, zabezpieczanie, wykorzystanie, Warszawa, 2007,
  3. Gruza E., Goc M., Moszczyński J., Kryminalistyka – czyli rzecz o metodach śledczych, Warszawa 2011,
  4. Kała M., Wilk D., Wójcikiewicz J. (red.), Ekspertyza sądowa, Zagadnienia wybrane, Warszawa, 2017.

Reading list


 Literature in English:

  1. Anderson P., R., Winfree L. T. Jr.,(1987), Expertt Witnesses. Criminologist in the Courtroom. State University of New York Press.
  2. Dwyer, D. (2008). The Judicial Assessment of Expert Evidence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  3. Saferstein R., (2014), Criminalistics. An Introduction to Ferencis Science. Pearson Education Limited.


Literature in Polish:

  1. Czeczot Z., Tomaszewski T., Kryminalistyka ogólna, Toruń, 1996,
  2. Goc M., Moszczyński J. (red.), Ślady kryminalistyczne. Ujawnianie, zabezpieczanie, wykorzystanie, Warszawa, 2007,
  3. Gruza E., Goc M., Moszczyński J., Kryminalistyka – czyli rzecz o metodach śledczych, Warszawa 2011,
  4. Kała M., Wilk D., Wójcikiewicz J. (red.), Ekspertyza sądowa, Zagadnienia wybrane, Warszawa, 2017.