General information
Course type | AMUPIE |
Module title | Masterpieces and Bestsellers of the Central European Literatures in the Comparative Perspective |
Language | English |
Module lecturer | dr hab. Anna Skibska |
Lecturer's email | |
Lecturer position | adiunkt |
Faculty | Faculty of Polish and Classical Philology |
Semester | 2024/2025 (summer) |
Duration | 60 |
ECTS | 8 |
USOS code | 03-AP-MBCE |
MONDAY, 9.45-13.00; Collegium Maius, Fredry 10 Street, room 327.
Module aim (aims)
- acquainting the students with the masterpieces of Central European literature connected with reference to the general context of historical and cultural change;
- improving of analytical and interpretative skills with a particular stress on historical specificity of texts, comparative approach and evaluation of literary works;
- practicing of usage of historical and aesthetic categories;
- seeking proficiency in using such categories as an author’s biography, literary era (with a stress put on Polish literary periodization), literary current, style, genre, aesthetic terms (irony, grotesque, tragedy, realism, symbolism, expressionism etc.)
- practicing of unassisted oral presentations and written papers in English.
Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences (where relevant)
Synchronous and asynchronous online classes - basic computer and MS Teams skills
Course learning content: |
Presentation of Central European literature in chronological and typological terms; presenting the most important writers and their works, with particular emphasis on texts considered literary masterpieces. |
Showing the relations of Central European literature with periods and trends in European literature, highlighting the planes of identification and differentiation. |
The scope, place and significance of selected texts of Central European literature against the background of national, Slavic, European and world culture. |
Presentation of the discussed literary phenomena from a historical-literary, comparative and interdisciplinary perspective (in relation to other texts of culture). |
Discussion of the presented literature in the light of critical literary studies. |
Analysis and interpretation of texts classified as masterpieces of Central European literature. |
Reading list
- Lives of the Serbian Saints, eds. W. Sparrow-Simpson, W. Lowther Clarke, London – New York 1921.
- An Anthology of Serbian Literature, eds. V. Mihailovich, B. Mikasinovic, Bloomington 2007.
- An Anthology of Bulgarian Literature, ed. I. Mladinov, Bloomington 2007.
- An Anthology of Croatian Literature, ed. H. R. Cooper, Bloomington 2011.
- Lightning from the Depths: an Anthology of Albanian Poetry, ed. and trans. R. Elsie, J. Mathie-Heck, Evanston 2008.
- Balkan Beauty, Balkan Blood: Modern Albanian Short Stories, ed. and trans. R. Elsie, Evanston 2006.
- Schwandner-Sievers, B. Fischer, Albanian Identities: Myth and History, Bloomington 2002.
- Calinescu, History of Romanian Literature, Paris1988.
- The Vanishing Point that Whistles. An Anthology of Contemporary Romanian Poetry, ed. P. Doru, trans. A. Sorkin, C. Serea, Greenfield 2011.
- An Anthology of Greek Prose, ed. D. Russell, Oxford 1991.
- Todorova, Imagining the Balkans, New York 1997.
- The Macedonian issue: the power of culture, the culture of power, ed. B. Zieliński, Poznań 2003.
- Barac, History of Yugoslav Literature, Ann Arbor 1976.
- Moser, History of Bulgarian Literature: 865-1944, the Hague 1972.
- Tapkova-Zaimova, A. Miltenova, Historical and Apocalyptic Literature in Byzantium and Medieval Bulgaria, trans. M. Paneva, M. Lilova, Sofia 2011.
- „Kafka. Kwartalnik Środkowoeuropejski” (wybrane numery).
- Bakuła B., Historia i komparatystyka. Szkice o literaturze i kulturze Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej XX wieku, Poznań 2000.
- Bobrownicka M., Pogranicza w centrum Europy, Kraków 2003.
- Czyżewski K., Linia powrotu. Zapiski z pogranicza, Sejny 2008.
- Fiut A., Być (albo nie być) Środkowoeuropejczykiem, Kraków 1999.
- Hrabal, Kundera, Havel… Antologia czeskiego eseju, oprac. J. Baluch, Kraków 2001.
- Kardyni-Pelikánová K., Osobliwości środkowoeuropejskiej przestrzeni literackiej: ironiczni moraliści i ludyczni myśliciele, „Porównania” nr 8, 2011, s. 17–32.
- Kiss C.G., Lekcja Europy Środkowej, Kraków 2009.
- Kroutvor J., Europa Środkowa: anegdota i historia, w: Hrabal, Kundera, Havel… Antologia czeskiego eseju, oprac. J. Baluch, Kraków 2001.
- Miłosz Cz., Rodzinna Europa, Paryż 1959.
- Narodowy i ponadnarodowy model kultury. Europa Środkowa i Półwysep Bałkański, red. B. Zieliński, Poznań 2002.
- Problemy tożsamości kulturowej w krajach słowiańskich, t. 1, 2, 3, red. J. Goszczyńska, Warszawa 2003–2005.
- Zieliński B., Europa Środkowa, czyli Arkadia, Atlantyda i Jeruzalem, [w:] Narodowy i ponadnarodowy model kultury, red. B. Zieliński, Poznań 2002.