General information
Course type | AMUPIE |
Module title | Social Mobility |
Language | English |
Module lecturer | prof. UAM dr hab. Jakub Isański |
Lecturer's email | |
Lecturer position | Assiciate Professor |
Faculty | Faculty of Sociology |
Semester | 2025/2026 (summer) |
Duration | 30 |
ECTS | 5 |
USOS code | 24-PIE-F-SOM |
Thursdays 3.00-4.30 PM
Module aim (aims)
Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences (where relevant)
Basic knowledge in social sciences
- Introduction - What is social mobility, and why does it matter?
- Social mobility in the past and present.
- Spatial mobility - migrations in the context of social mobility.
- Ukrainian forced migrations - health, educational, and labor market challenges.
- The global context of human flows.
- Labor migration - brain drain and brain loss.
- Mobility and challenges for social integration.
- Modern society - from stable communities to lonely crowd
- Mobile identities in the digital era.
- The future of mobility - global, AI-empowered, and unlimited?
Reading list
Becker G.S., 1993. Human Capital. A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis with Special Reference to Education, Chicago and London.
Castles Stephen, Miller Mark, 2009. The Age of Migration. International Population Movements in the Modern World, ed. Pelgrave MacMillan.
Coleman James S.,1988. Social Capital in the Creation of Human Capital, in: The American Journal of Sociology, vol. 94, Supplement: Organizations and Institutions: Sociological and Economic Approaches to the Analysis of Social Structure (1988).
Erickson B.H., 2010. Why Some Occupations Are Better Known Than Others, in: Lin N., Erickson B.H. (red.), Social Capital. An International Research Program, New York.Florida R., 2007, The Flight of the Creative Class. The New Global Competition for Talent, New York.
Goldin I., Cameron G., Balarajan M., 2011. Exceptional People. How Migration Shaped Our World and Will Define Our Future, Princeton and Oxford.
Koser Khalid, 2007. International migration: A very short introduction. Oxford University Press, New York.
Levitt P., Lamba-Nieves D., 2010. „It’s Not Just About the Economy, Stupid” – Social Remittances Revisited [online], < economy-stupid-social-remittances-revisited>
Massey Douglas S., Arango Joaquin, Hugo Graeme, Kouaouci Ali, Pellegrino Adela, Taylor Edward J., (2009). Worlds in motion. Understanding International Migration at the End of the Millennium, International Studies in Demography. Clarendon Press, Oxford.
McMillin Divya, 2009. Mediated Identities. Youth, Agency&Globalization. ed. Peter Lang.
Okólski M., 2006. Costs and benefits of migration for Central European countries, „CMR Working Papers”, nr 7 (65).
Portes Alejandro, DeWind Josh, 2008. Rethinking migration. ed. Berghahn Books.
Portes A., Rumbaut R.G., 2006. Immigrant America. A Portrait. Third Edition. Revised, Expanded and Updated, Berkeley, Los Angeles–London.
Roos Ch., 2013. The EU and Immigration Policies. Cracks in the Walls of Fortress Europe?, Hampshire, Basingstoke.