General information

Course type AMUPIE
Module title Migration, Racism, Xenophobia And Multiculturalism In Europe
Language English
Module lecturer Prof. Dr. habil. Michal Buchowski
Lecturer's email
Lecturer position Professor
Faculty Faculty of Anthropology and Cultural Studies
Semester 2025/2026 (winter)
Duration 30


Michal Buchowski

Migration, Racism, Xenophobia and Multiculturalism in Europe, WS 2024-2025

Mondays 9:00-10:30, Collegium Historicum (Campus Morasko), ul. Uniwersytetu Poznańskiego, r. 2.20


The seminar sheds a light on the issue of migration, xenophobia, racism and multiculturalism and tolerance in contemporary Europe. This aim will be achieved in three basic steps: First, several questions regarding the basic notions of culture, identity and cultural essentialism will be posed; second, major debates about advantages and disadvantages of multicultural policies will be discussed; third, several case studies illustrating the state of the art with respect to multiculturalism and (in)tolerance in Europe and beyond will be presented and discussed in social and cultural studies perspective.

Week 1 – 07.10.2024: Introduction

Week 2 – 14.10.2024: Making the Other – The Logics of Alterity

- Gerd Baumann, Grammars of identity/alterity: a structuralist approach. In: Bauman, G., Gingrich, A. (eds.), Grammars of identity/alterity, ss. 18-50. New York-Oxford: Berghahn 2004.

Week 3 – 21.10.2024: Writing for and against culture

- Adam Kuper, CultureAn Anthropologist Account, pp. 23-46 (Chapter 1), Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press 2001.

Week 4 – 28.10.2024: : Critical Multiculturalism

- Terrence Turner, Anthropology and Multiculturalism: What Is Anthropology That Multiculturalists Should Be Mindful of It?, Critique of Anthropology 8, 4 (1993): 411-429.

Week 5 – 04.11.2024: The Logics of Tolerance

Werner Schiffauer, The Logics of Toleration: Outline for a Comparative Approach to the Study of Tolerance, In: Jan Dobbernack and Tariq Modood (eds.), Tolerance , Intolerance and Respect: Hard to Accept?, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2013.

Week 6 - 11.11.2024 - No class, National Holiday (Independence Day)

Week 7 – 18.11.2024: Populism, Nationalism and Xenophobia

- Rogers Brubaker, Between nationalism and civilizationism: the European populist moment in comparative perspective, Ethnic and Racial Studies 40)8): 1191-1226

Week 8 – 25.11.2024: NO CLASS (conference)

 Week 9 – 02.12.2024: Cultural Racism

- J.M. Blaut, Theory of Cultural Racism, Antipode 24:4 (1992): 289-299.

 Week 10 – 09.12.2024: Cultural Fundamentalism and Cultural Anxiety in Europe

 Verena Stolcke, Talking Culture: New Boundaries, New Rhetoric of Exclusion in Europe, “Current Anthropology” 36, 1 (1995): 1-24.

- Ralph Grillo, Cultural Essentialism and Cultural Anxiety, “Anthropological Theory” 3, 2 (2003): 157-173.

Week 11 – 16.12.2024: Hidden Scripts

- Marianne Gullestad, Invisible Fences: Egalitarianism, Nationalism and Racism, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 8 (2002): 45-63.

23.12.2024-07.01.2025: WINTER HOLIDAYS

Week 12 – 13.01.2025: Antisemitism and Islamophobia

- Matti Bunzl, Between Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia: Some Thoughts on a New Europe, “American Ethnologist” 32, 4 (2005): 499-508.

- Cora Alexa Døving, Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia: A Comparison of Imposed Group Identities, “Tidsskrift for Islamforskning – Islam og minoriteter” 2 (2010):  52-76.

Week 13 – 20.01.2025:  Islamophobia in Europe (Italy)

- Gabriele Marranci, Multiculturalism, Islam and the clash of civilisations theory: rethinking Islamophobia , Culture and Religion 5,1 (2004): 105-117.

Week 14 – 27.01.2025: - Islamophobia in Europe (Poland)

- Michal Buchowski, Making Anthropology Matter in the Heyday of islamophobia and the ‘Refugee Crisis’: The Case of Poland. Český lid 103 (2016): 51–67.

- Michal Buchowski, A New Tide of Racism, Xenophobia, and Islamophobia in Europe: Polish Anthropologists Swim Against the Current, American Anthropologist 119, 3 (2017): 519-523.

Week 15 – 03.02.2025: “Refugee Crisis” and Fortress Europe

- Catherine Thorleifsson, Disposable strangers: far-right securitisation of forced migration in Hungary, Social Anthropology 2017: 318-334.


*Alina Rzepnikowska, Racism and Xenophobia Experienced by Polish Migrants in the UK before and after Brexit vote, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 45:1, 2019, 61-77, (DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2018.1451308)


Module aim (aims)

The seminar sheds a light on the issue of migration, xenophobia, racism and multiculturalism and tolerance in contemporary Europe. The aim is to see social issues related to 'making the Other' and discrimination of 'the Others' in critical perspective. This aim will be achieved in three basic steps: First, several questions regarding the basic notions of culture, identity and cultural essentialism will be posed; second, major debates about advantages and disadvantages of multicultural policies will be discussed; third, several case studies illustrating the state of the art with respect to multiculturalism and (in)tolerance in Europe and beyond will be presented and discussed in social and cultural studies perspective.

Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences (where relevant)

1. Good knowledge of English; 2. ability to read and critically asses scientific texts; 3. ability to discuss issues addressed in the class.


1. Introduction; 2. Making the Other - the logic of alterity; 3. Writing for and against culture; 4. Critical Multiculturalism; 5. Critique of Multiculturalism; 6. The Logics of Tolerance; 7. Populism, Nationalism and Xenophobia; 8. Cultural Racism; 9. Cultural Fundamentalism in Europe; 10. Cultural Anxiety; 11. Invisible Racism; 12. Antisemitism and Islamophobia; 13. Islamophobia in in Europe; 14. Islamophobia in in Poland; 15 “Refugee Crisis” and Fortress Europe

Reading list

Note: reading list might be updated

1. Gerd Baumann and Andre Gingrich (eds.), Grammars of Identiy/Alterity, New York-Oxford: Berghahn Books; 2. Gerd Baumann, Grammars of identity/alterity: a structuralist approach. In: Bauman, G., Gingrich, A. (eds.), Grammars of identity/alterity, ss. 18-50. New York-Oxford: Berghahn Books 2004; 3. Adam Kuper, Culture: An Anthropologist Account. pp. 23-46 (Chapter 1), Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press 2001, 3a. Lila Abu-Lughod, Writing Against Culture, In: R. Fox (ed.), Recapturing Anthropology: Working in the Present, Santa Fe, NM, pp. 137-162, School of American Research Press 1991; 4. Terrence Turner, Anthropology and Multiculturalism: What Is Anthropology That Multiculturalists Should Be Mindful of It?, “Critique of Anthropology” 8, 4 (1993): 411-429; 5. Will Kymlicka, The Essentialist Critique of Multiculturalism: Theories, Policies, Ethos, Florence: European University Institute 2014; 6. Werner Schiffauer, The Logics of Toleration: Outline for a Comparative Approach to the Study of Tolerance, In: Jan Dobbernack and Tariq Modood (eds.), Tolerance, Intolerance and Respect: Hard to Accept?, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2013; 7.Rogers Brubaker, Between nationalism and civilizationism: the European populist moment in comparative perspective, Ethnic and Racial Studies 40)8): 1191-1226; 8. J.M. Blaut, Theory of Cultural Racism, “Antipode” 24:4 (1992): 289-299; 9.Verena Stolcke, Talking Culture: New Boundaries, New Rhetoric of Exclusion in Europe, “Current Anthropology” 36, 1 (1995): 1-24; 10. Ralph Grillo, Cultural Essentialism and Cultural Anxiety, “Anthropological Theory” 3, 2 (2003): 157-173; 11. Marianne Gullestad, Invisible Fences: Egalitarianism, Nationalism and Racism, “Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute” 8 (2002): 45-63; 12. Matti Bunzl, Between Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia: Some Thoughts on a New Europe, “American Ethnologist” 32, 4 (2005): 499-508; 13. Gabrielle Marranci, Multiculturalism, Islam and the clash of civilisations theory: rethinking Islamophobia , Culture and Religion 5(1): 105-117; 14. Michal Buchowski, Making Anthropology Matter in the Heyday of islamophobia and the ‘Refugee Crisis’: The Case of Poland. Český lid 103 (2016): 51–67; 14a. Michal Buchowski, A New Tide of Racism, Xenophobia, and Islamophobia in Europe: Polish Anthropologists Swim Against the Current, American Anthropologist 119, 3 (2017): 519-523; 15. Catherine Thorleifsson, Disposable strangers: far-right securitisation of forced migration in Hungary, Social Anthropology 2017: 318-334