General information

Course type AMUPIE
Module title Contemporary Philosophy of Science
Language english
Module lecturer Joanna Karolina Malinowska
Lecturer's email
Lecturer position Assistant professor
Faculty Faculty of Philosophy
Semester 2024/2025 (winter)
Duration 30
USOS code 000







Kampus Ogrody, ul. Szamarzewskiego 89

building TBA, room TBA

Google maps:

Module aim (aims)

After the module, a student:

In particular, the following topics will be elaborated:

- Modern Philosophy of Science

- Philosophy of Science in Practice

- Robophilosophy and Roboethics

- Big Data Ethics and AI Fairness

- Philosophy of Medicine and Bioethics

- Feminist Philosophy of Science

The class provides an introduction to selected discussions in contemporary Philosophy of Science as well as to related ethical issues. It is designed to be of interest not only to those studying Philosophy, but also, among others, to students of Biology, Physics, Genetics, Computer Science or Social Sciences.

The course consists of two stages: lectures and workshop. In part one, students will receive lectures on topics listed in the syllabus (e.g., Philosophy of Science in Practice, Philosophy of Medicine and Bioethics etc.). In the second stage, students (with the help of the lecturer) will write a short paper on topics of their choice – form of Open Peer Commentaries (OPC), up to 1000 words with references. The development of the papers will be systematically discussed during the classes.

Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences (where relevant)

No prior philosophical knowledge is required.


Week 01: Organisational issues: material overview and final requirements. Introduction to philosophical vocabulary

Week 02: Introduction to modern philosophy of science (overview of some recent discussions in Philosophy of Biology, Philosophy of Physics etc.).

Week 03: Philosophy in practice - what does philosophy deal with today?

Week 04: Robophilosopy and Roboethics

Week 05: Big Data Ethics and AI Fairness

Week 06: Philosophy of Medicine and Bioethics

Week 07: Feminist Philosophy of Science

Week 08: Introduction to the workshop: how to write OPC?

Week 09: Workshop (part 1): selection of topics and preliminary research

Week 10: Workshop (part 2): reports on the preliminary research, discussion

Week 11: Workshop (part 3): selection of arguments and development of papers structure

Week 12: Workshop (part 4): revisions, discussion

Week 13: Workshop (part 5): final revisions

Week 14: Workshop (part 6): presentation of OPC

Week 15: Closing discussion          

Reading list

Adamo, S. A. (2016). Do insects feel pain? A question at the intersection of animal behaviour, philosophy and robotics. Animal Behaviour118, 75-79.

Anjum, R. L., Copeland, S., & Rocca, E. (2020). Rethinking causality, complexity and evidence for the unique patient: a causehealth resource for healthcare professionals and the clinical encounter (p. 241). Springer Nature.

Crasnow, S., & Intemann, K. (Eds.). (2020). The routledge handbook of feminist philosophy of science. Routledge.

Humphreys, P. (Ed.). (2016). The Oxford handbook of philosophy of science. Oxford University Press.

Malinowska, J. K. (2021). What does it mean to empathise with a robot?. Minds and Machines31(3), 361-376.

Malinowska, J. K., & Żuradzki, T. (2023). Towards the multileveled and processual conceptualisation of racialised individuals in biomedical research. Synthese201(1), 1-36.

Nowak, P. G., & Stencel, A. (2022). How many ways can you die? Multiple biological deaths as a consequence of the multiple concepts of an organism. Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics, 1-28.

Pradeu, T., Lemoine, M., Khelfaoui, M., & Gingras, Y. (2021). Philosophy in Science: Can philosophers of science permeate through science and produce scientific knowledge?.

Stegenga, J. (2018). Care and cure: An introduction to philosophy of medicine. University of Chicago Press.