General information

Course type AMUPIE
Module title Psychology Of Conspiracy Theories
Language English
Module lecturer dr Michał Kosakowski
Lecturer's email
Lecturer position
Faculty Faculty of Psychology and Cognitive Science
Semester 2025/2026 (winter)
Duration 30



Module aim (aims)

Conspiracy theories are explanatory beliefs attributing secretive, malevolent intentions to a group of actors. Recent events have highlighted their significant impact on public health, safety, and social relations. This course is designed to:

Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences (where relevant)

Proficiency in English sufficient to comprehend scientific texts in psychology


Week 1: Basic Principles of the psychology of conspiracy theories

Week 2: Definitions, types, and popularity of conspiracy theories

Week 3: Emotional and motivational underpinnings of conspiracy theories

Week 4: Emotional and motivational underpinnings of conspiracy theories II

Week 5: Individual differences in belief in conspiracy theories

Week 6: Situational factors in conspiratorial thinking

Week 7: Social factors in conspiratorial thinking

Week 8: Conspiracy theories in intergroup relations

Week 9: Conspiracy theories and political ideology

Week 10: Cognitive underpinnings of conspiracy theories

Week 11: Conspiracy theories as explanatory structures

Week 12: Conspiracy theories as a monological belief systems

Week 13: Psychological consequences of conspiracy theories

Week 14: Social media and the spread of conspiracy theories

Week 15: Countering the conspiracy theories

Week 14: Current directions in the psychology of conspiracy theories

Reading list

Bangerter, A., Wagner-Egger, P. & Delouvée, S. (2020). How conspiracy theories spread. In M. Butter, P. Knight (Eds.), Routledge handbook of conspiracy theories (pp. 206-218). Routledge.
Biddlestone, M., Cichocka, A., Žeželj I. & Bilewicz, M. (2020). Conspiracy theories and intergroup relations. In M. Butter, P. Knight (Eds.), Routledge handbook of conspiracy theories (pp. 219-230). Routledge.
Douglas, K. M., Cichocka A., & Sutton, R. M. (2020). Motivations, emotions and belief in conspiracy theories. In M. Butter, P. Knight (Eds.), Routledge handbook of conspiracy theories (pp. 181-191). Routledge.
Imhoff, R, Lamberty, P. (2020). Conspiracy beliefs as psycho-political reactions to perceived power. In M. Butter, P. Knight (Eds.), Routledge handbook of conspiracy theories (pp. 192-205). Routledge.
Jolley, D., Mari, S. & Douglas, K. M. (2020). Consequences of conspiracy theories. In M. Butter, P. Knight (Eds.), Routledge handbook of conspiracy theories (pp. 231-241). Routledge.
Klein, O. & Nera, K. (2020). Social psychology of conspiracy theories. In M. Butter, P. Knight (Eds.), Routledge handbook of conspiracy theories (pp. 121-134). Routledge.
Krekó, P. (2020). Countering conspiracy theories and misinformation. In M. Butter, P. Knight (Eds.), Routledge handbook of conspiracy theories (pp. 242-255). Routledge.
Lantian, A., Wood. M & Gjoneska, B. (2020). Personality traits, cognitive styles and worldviews associated with beliefs in conspiracy theories. In M. Butter, P. Knight (Eds.), Routledge handbook of conspiracy theories (pp. 155-167). Routledge.
van Proojien, J. W. (2018). Psychology of Conspiracy Theories. Routledge (pp. 1-17).
van Proojien, J. W. (2020). Social-cognitive processes underlying belief in conspiracy theories. In M. Butter, P. Knight (Eds.), Routledge handbook of conspiracy theories (pp. 168-180). Routledge.