General information

Course type AMUPIE
Module title At Work - Meetings, Presentations, Company Visits:
Language English
Module lecturer mgr Martyna Surma
Lecturer's email
Lecturer position senior lecturer
Faculty Foreign Languages Teaching Centre
Semester 2024/2025 (summer)
Duration 30


Tuesday 1.15 pm

Collegium Geographicum, 10 Bogumiła Krygowskiego Street

room 8

Module aim (aims)

The course aims at developing communication skills that will enable the students to operate successfully in an English-speaking work environment. It offers a variety of practice exercises focused on building useful vocabulary and developing listening and speaking skills for everyday working life.

Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences (where relevant)

B1+/B2  General English


1) introductions and greetings, describing your job; describing a company;

2) making and changing appointments;

3) arranging a meeting;

4) giving updates; checking progress, delegating tasks; action points; short reports;

5) opinions, agreeing and disagreeing; making suggestions; solving problems;

6) preparing a presentation;

7) numbers, graphs, diagrams, tables and flowcharts;

8) welcoming and entertaining visitors; 

9) organizing a business trip;

10) telephoning and emails;

Reading list