General information

Course type AMUPIE
Module title European And Polish Criminal Policy
Language English
Module lecturer Prof. UAM dr hab. Elżbieta Hryniewicz-Lach
Lecturer's email
Lecturer position Profesor UAM
Faculty Faculty of Law and Administration
Semester 2025/2026 (winter)
Duration 30
USOS code Erasm


mondays 9:00-10:30 AM

Module aim (aims)

· general idea of criminal law in European Union and its Member States
· general insight in Polish criminal law and Polish criminal system

Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences (where relevant)

· level of English that enables to communicate and read legal texts


Week 1: Basic concepts of criminal policy.
Week 2: Registered and unregistered crime, statistics and criminal policy.
Week 3: Do the patterns for „good” criminal policy exist? 
Week 4: Council of Europe: the evolution and its importance for criminal law.
Week 5: Council of Europe: the European Convention of Human Rights
Week 6: European Union: the evolution of criminal policy and relevant EU institutions.
Week 7: European Union: substantive criminal law.

Week 8: European Union: cooperation in criminal matters.
Week 9: European Union: offenders and their rights.

Week 10: European Union: victims and their rights.

Week 11: European Union: EU Foreign and Security policy.

Week 12: Challenges for European criminal policy

Week 13: Evolution of criminal policy in Poland.
Week 14: Challenges to criminal policy in Poland.
Week 15: Summary of the course: crucial aspects of European and Polish criminal policy.

Reading list

Relevant texts are to be found in dedicated group in MS Teams.