General information
Course type | AMUPIE |
Module title | Preparation For Teaching Practice With Internship |
Language | English |
Module lecturer | dr Mateusz Marciniak |
Lecturer's email | |
Lecturer position | adiunkt |
Faculty | Faculty of Educational Studies |
Semester | 2024/2025 (summer) |
Duration | 45 |
ECTS | 4 |
USOS code | 11-PTPI-11-a |
Classes begin on the 26.02.2025 (Wednesday). We meet at 9.45 a.m. in room 308, 3rd floor, building D, Szamarzewskiego Street 89 (Faculty of Educational Studies of AMU).
JUST TO REMIND YOU - course is DEDICATED to LIMITED group of studetns (check pre-requisities section). Bring your LEARNING AGREEMENT and APPLICATION FORM with you for the first meeting to confirm that you meet the pre-requisities)!
The seminars are held on every Wednesday, from 9.45 to 11.15 (from 26.02.2025 until 16.04.2025).
The seminars & fieldwork are held on every Wednseday from 9.45 to 13.00 (from 23.04.2025 until 04.06.2025).
The organisational details with timetable will be explained during first meeting meeting on 26.02.2025.
The course starts with SEMINARS (30h) in the first part of summer semester (usually March- April). The FIELDWORK (15h) starts simultanously from beginning of the summer semester, but they might also start in the second part of summer semester (usually May-June). The fieldwork might be held in form of 3-4 hours meetings.
The presence in the classes is required from the first meeting! In justified cases students may join classes from second meeting (there is no possibility to join course from 3-rd meeting)!
Module aim (aims)
A1 broadening the knowledge about the teaching practice (process, types, standards) and it’s conditions
A2 development of the knowledge about practice (internship, placement) in education (relation between theory and practice, teachers professional development, active learning)
A3 broadening the knowledge about the organisation of teaching practice at system of education in Poland on levels of education (school, kindergarten, other institutions)
A4 development of the skills of planning and preparing the process of individual teaching practice (micro and direct teaching with tutors and co-teachers)
A5 development of the skills of design, create and use of documentary tools (interview questionnaires and observational schedules) for teaching practice
A6 expanding the skills of critical thinking and interpretation of data gathered during the teaching practice
A7 experiencing the teaching practice at institutions (INTERNSHIP and visits at: kindergarten, primary and secondary schools and other institutions)
Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences (where relevant)
The enrollment of the student into teacher training programme or equivalent programme (e.g. elementary education or early childhood education) at the home institution (with kindergarten/school internship within curriculum).
The subject covers regular meetings and visits at educational institutions (kindergartens, schools, centers) within internship.
Week 1: Introduction - discussion of course outline, requirements and assessment. Planning the activities. Checking the formal pre-requisites.
Week 2: The system of education in Poland – schooling system, levels of education, the current reforms in the Polish schools; private and public sector.
Week 3: The professional development of the teacher: elements of teacher's development and stages of teachers carrier, status of the teachers in Poland in comparison to other countries.
Week 4: Institutional-based learning: kindergarten and school as a space for the placement/internship (definition of internship, models of placement, stages, tutor-trainee relations, learning support and resource teaching).
Week 5: The legal regulations of practice at varied levels of educational (programme, core curriculum, country regulations, institutional regulations). VISIT AT KINDERGARTEN AND PRIMARY SCHOOL
Week 6: The documentation process of practice (types of documents relevant for practice at diverse institutions: construction of observation schedule and interview questionnaire). VISIT AT KINDERGARTEN 1
Week 7: Preparation for participation in school life (orientation programmes, visits and observation of the: classes, staff, board, space of work). VISIT AT KINDERGARTEN 2
Week 8: Preparation for structured observation and professional conversations with experienced teachers.
Week 9: Planning for active teaching, learning and assessment of/for learning process at classes and courses of classroom/kindergarten practice VISIT AT PRIMARY SCHOOL 1
Week 10. Preparation for micro teaching or equivalent (active participation in teaching process with co-teacher). VISIT AT PRIMARY SCHOOL 2
Week 11: Preparation for direct teaching to a group (the type of classes and institutional profile).
Week 12: Planning of additional experiences in educational settings (attendance at staff meetings, engagement with other professionals, meetings with parents). VISIT AT SECONDARY SCHOOL
Week 13: Planning visits at alternative placement institutions, other than recognised school (e.g. Centres for Education, Psychopedagogical Support Centers). VISIT AT EDUCATION CENTERS
Week 14: Structured feedback: analyzing the final reports about the trainees from the school tutors or co-operating teachers.
Week 15. Critical reflection on practice, both individually and with colleagues (reflection workshops).
- active participation in classes
- preparation of written essay and classes/lessons scenarios (from SEMINARS)
- documentation of fieldwork (observation schedule and interview questionnaire) and the final reports about the trainees from the visited kindergarten/school tutors or co-operating teachers (from FIELDWORK)
Students will receive two final grades (the separate grade from seminars part and separate from fieldwork part)
Reading list
• Ben de Souza Teaching Practice: A Handbook for Student Teachers, 2017,
• Cohen L., Manion L., Morrison K., Wyse D., (2004), A Guide to Teaching Practice: 5th Edition, London: Routledge.
• DoCENT –Digital Creativity ENhancedin Teacher Education. Framework of digital creative teaching competences, Erasmus+ Programme, eds. M. Barajas, F., Frossard, (2018),[]
• Education Review Office. ERO, (2017), Teaching approaches and strategies that work. Keeping children engaged and achieving in the upper primary school, New Zeland [].
• Education Review Office. ERO, (2015), Careers education and guidance: good practice, New Zeland [].
• Eurydice, (2018), The System of Education in Poland, FRSE Publications,
• Gower R., Phillips D., (2005), Teaching Practice. A Handbook for Teachers in Training, Macmillan Education,
• Gronlund, G. & James, M. (2005). Focused Observations. How to Observe Children for Assessment and Curriculum Planning. Minneapolis: Redleaf Press.
• Guasch, T., Alvarez, I., & Espasa, A. (2010). University teacher competencies in a virtual teaching/learning environment: Analysis of a teacher training experience. Teaching and Teacher Education, 26(2), 199-206.
• Hobart, C. & Frankel, J. (2004). A practical guide to child observation and assessment. Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes.
• McGregor D., Cartwright L., (2011), Developing reflective practice: a guide for beginning teachers, Glasgow: Bell & Bain.
• Pokorny H., Warren D., (2017), Enhancing Teaching Practice in Higher Education, SAGE, London. []