General information

Course type AMUPIE
Module title Urban planning project
Language English
Module lecturer dr inż. Wojciech Dyba
Lecturer's email
Lecturer position Assistant professor
Faculty Faculty of Human Geography and Planning
Semester 2024/2025 (summer)
Duration 30


Tuesday 15-16.30, room 153, Collegium Geographicum. First meeting: 4.03.2025.

Students interested in participation are requested to send an email into:

Module aim (aims)

The aim of the module is to present current trends in urban planning, related to eco-city, smart-city and resilient city concepts, as well as methods and tools of city revitalisation (with examples from Poznań, Poland, and selected European countries). Then, the students will work in international teams on the urban planning project of a selected area (field inventory, spatial planning concept, 3D visualisation).

Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences (where relevant)

There are no pre-requisities, however the course is especially recomended to students of geography, spatial/ urban planning and tourism.


The module will consist of lectures (about current urban planning concepts), computer labs, walking tours with field inventory and seminars with presentations of student's project. 

- urban planning, eco-city, smart-city and resilient city concepts - lectures
- city revitalisation - lectures
- course in SketchUp programme for simple 3D modelling - computer labs
- field inventory in the city with maps, mobile apps or telephones for notes and photographs
- student's project - seminars with presentations

Reading list

More books and materials for lectures and seminars will be given during classes. For computer labs  students may use online SketchUp tutorials as a supplementary material.