General information

Course type AMUPIE
Module title Creative Arts for social inclusion
Language English
Module lecturer dr Katarzyna Forecka-Waśko, dr Michalina Kasprzak
Lecturer's email
Lecturer position adiunkt
Faculty Faculty of Educational Studies
Semester 2025/2026 (winter)
Duration 30
USOS code 11-CAI-11-a


Tuesday, 9.45-11.15

Educational Studies Department

Szamarzewskiego 89 street

Building D, room 020 (Ground floor)

Module aim (aims)

Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences (where relevant)

- English on intermediate level (B1 level);

- Basic knowledge of the psycho-pedagogical development of a child;

-Pedagogical competencies and knowledge;


1. Introduction. Discussion and group integrity.


2. Socially engaged art and Big Ideas – introduction.


3. Presenting Big ideas and discussing group experience working with art.


4. Social inclusion in pedagogical context – sharing experience and presenting examples of art projects related to their origin country.


5. Project: map of good practices in socially engaged pedagogy.


6. Social inclusion in multicultural education: the assumptions and main goals of intercultural education;


7. Mass media and multicultural education in a pedagogical context.  


8. Socially engaged art on a macro and micro scale. Big Ideas – big and small. How to change “big art” into a small working project.


9. Socially engaged art in daily teachers’ life, possibilities and threats, challenges?


10. Engaged art for the youngest audience from a global and multicultural perspective. Discussing films, videos, and songs worldwide is known, and the main social problems presented in those examples.


11. Knowing other cultures through art – the idea of multicultural art education. Creating a comic book or interactive game for children presenting a topic related to socially engaged art selected by the participants.


12.  Diversity in school and the place of art in education and integration.


13. Fine arts in the process of communication between students and teachers. Discussing the idea of creative learning, learning through art.


14.  Working on one micro project of Big Ideas. work in groups.


15. Presentation of art project based on Big Ideas.

Reading list

1. Anderson R. C., Katz-Buonincontro J., Bousselot T., Mattson D., Beard N., Land J., Livie M. (2022). How am I a creative teacher? Beliefs, values, and affect for integrating creativity in the classroom, Teaching and Teacher Education, Volume 110, 2022, 103583, ISSN 0742-051X,
2. Cabedo-Mas, A., Nethsinghe, R., & Forrest, D. (2017). The role of the arts in education for peacebuilding, diversity and intercultural understanding: A comparative study of educational policies in Australia and Spain. International Journal of Education & the Arts, 18(11). Retrieved from
3. Jaeger, M., Wooten, J. (2022). The Most Magical Way to Teach: Disney Music In The Classroom. Journal of Economics Teaching. pp. 1-12.
4. Kapitan L., Litell M., Torres A. (2011). Creative Art Therapy in a Community's Participatory Research and Social Transformation, Art Therapy, 28:2, 64-73, DOI: 10.1080/07421656.2011.578238
5. Schlemmer R.H., Carpenter B.S., Hitchcock E. (2017). Socially Engaged Art Education: Practices, Processes, and Possibilities, Art Education, 70:4, 56-59, DOI: 10.1080/00043125.2017.1317564
6. Wagner, I. V., Akishina, E. M., Olesina, E. P. (2021). Creative artistic and musical activity of the child as a process of socialization. Rast Müzikoloji Dergisi , Vol: 9 Issue:3 Special Issue 2021 (Interdisciplinary Music Research) , 3043-3062 . DOI: 10.12975/rastmd.2021937
7. Wirawan, W., Hapsari, D.P. (2018). Walt Disney’s Mowie Soundtracks as Media in Developing Character Education for Children. Resital. Vol. 19 No. 1. Pp. 18-27.