General information

Course type AMUPIE
Module title Education in Poland and Other Countries
Language English
Module lecturer Anna Mańkowska (coordinator and teacher)
Lecturer's email
Lecturer position dr (phd)
Faculty Faculty of Educational Studies
Semester 2025/2026 (winter)
Duration 45
USOS code 11-EPOC


place: ......., room ......


time: ....... a.m. (............)

The detailed timetable will be presented - 1st classes

contact teacher 

working plan 
week date notes
14   Assessment, presentation of research paper
15   Assessment, presentation of research paper

Module aim (aims)

The main aims:


Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences (where relevant)

The subject is dedicated to the students interested in educational field.  

The English skills B1 and above (reading articles, speaking and writing).

Extra time to visit primary school and sport school in Poznań and outside the city (the date to be determined).  

Social competences: 



Week 1: Introduction - first classes


Week 2: Defining the field of Education


Week 2: The Impact of Global Players in Education: the Wold Bank, UNESCO, OECD, UE, OBOR, BRICS


Week 3: Comparing educational systems


Week 4: Culture and education


Week 5: My educational story - the meaning of education - self experience


Week 6: Comparing Cultures


Week 7: Early childhood education and care across Europe


Week 8: Compulsory education and its function


Week 9: Vocational education and training (VET) 


Week 10: Vocational Higher education in the era of globalization


Week 11: Internationalization of education


Week 12: Religion and education


Week 13: Artificial Intelligence in Education


Week 14: Assessment, presentation of research paper


Week 15: Assessment, presentation of research paper

Reading list

Literature will be updated and provided to the students. We will do cloud sharing and collaboration.

Kazamias, A.M. Paideia and Politeia: Education, and the Polity/State in Comparative Education. [in:] Cowen, R., Kazamias, A.M. (eds) International Handbook of Comparative Education. Springer International Handbooks of Education, vol 22., Dordrecht 2009, p. 37-59

Noah H. J, Eckstein M.A., Defining Comparative Education: Conception of the field [in:] Noah H. J, Eckstein M.A.,Doing Comparative Education: Three Decades of Collaboration, Comparative Education Research Center, 1998, p. 35-41.

Mason M., Comparing Cultures [in:] M. Bray, B.Adamson, M.Mason eds. Comparative Education Research Approaches and Methods, Hong Kong 2007,165-197.

Vandra Lea Masenann, Culture and education [in:] Carlos Alberto Torres, Robert F. Arnove, Lauren Ila Misiaszek, Comparative Education: The Dialectic of the Global and the Local, London 2023, 125-146 (google books) 

Baker, David P., et al. Education: The great equalizer, social reproducer, or legitimator of new forms of social stratification. The Sage handbook of sociology of education (2024): 35-48.

de Wit, Hans. "Internationalization in and of Higher Education: Critical Reflections on Its Conceptual Evolution." Internationalization in Higher Education and Research: Perspectives, Obstacles, Alternatives. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2024. 17-31.!/action/getPdfOfArticle/articleID/3731/productID/29/filename/article-id-3731.pdf 

Mańkowska A. Internationalization of education in China - pedagogical analysis of historical development and political context. Studies on the Theory of Education. (2023);XIV(3 (44)):137-149. 

Religion and Education: comparative and international perspectives, Edited by MALINI SIVASUBRAMANIAM & RUTH HAYHOE, 2018, Symposium books, Oxford Studies in Comparative Education• Knowledge and the Study of Education: an international exploration, Edited by GEOFF WHITTY & JOHN FURLONG, 2017, Symposium books, Oxford Studies in Comparative Education

Xuesong Zhai et al. A Review of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Education from 2010 to 2020, Volume 2021 | Article ID 8812542 |

Boubker, Omar. "From chatting to self-educating: Can AI tools boost student learning outcomes?." Expert Systems with Applications 238 (2024): 121820.