General information

Course type AMUPIE
Module title The LaTeX typesetting system in academic applications
Language English
Module lecturer prof. UAM dr hab. Paweł Łupkowski
Lecturer's email
Lecturer position professor
Faculty Faculty of Psychology and Cognitive Science
Semester 2024/2025 (winter)
Duration 60
USOS code 23RCSPWS.2100000KU.15974.24


Module aim (aims)

  1. The laboratory will be dedicated to intermediate and advanced topics related to the application of the LaTeX typesetting system in academic contexts (though not exclusively). Participants will learn about custom document classes.
  2. They will also learn how to modify existing classes and create new ones.
  3. We will also explore how to integrate LaTeX with other programs, such as Inkscape, Excel, or the R language.

Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences (where relevant)


  1. A set of useful tools for working with LaTeX (editors, online working environments).
  2. LaTeX vs. XeLaTeX
  3. Standard document classes. Generating cross-references in text, indexes, tables of contents, and bibliographies.
  4. Useful custom document classes: Conference Poster; Presentation; Handout; Research Report; Article; Book.
  5. Working with bibliography. BibTeX vs. BibLaTeX.
  6. Modifying a class to fit your own needs. Defining your own commands.
  7. Importing data into LaTeX - collaboration with spreadsheets.
  8. LaTeX and Sweave - dynamically generated reports (collaboration with the R language).
  9. LaTeX and graphics. Importing graphics from Inkscape.
  10. LaTeX and graphics. Charts and drawings in LaTeX.
  11. LaTeX and graphics. Generating dynamic charts - collaboration with the R language and Gnuplot program.
  12. LaTeX and collaborative work. Packages for corrections and comments.
  13. Collaborative document work in the Overleaf environment.

Reading list


  1. Antoni Diller, LaTeX: Line by Line: Tips and Techniques for Document Processing, 2nd Edition. ISBN: 978-0-471-97918-0
  2. Tobias Oetiker, Hubert Partl, Irene Hyna, Elisabeth Schlegl, The Not So Short Introduction to LATEX. Or LaTeX in 280 2. minutes August 30, 2023
  3. David Allen. Screen presentations, manuscripts, and posters from the same LaTeX source. The PracTeX Journal, 2005.
  4. Tomas Morales de Luna. Writing posters in LaTeX. The PracTeX Journal, 2008(3).



  1. Paweł Łupkowski, Online LaTeX editors and other resources, TUGboat 36:1, 2015, 25-27.

Paweł Łupkowski and Mariusz Urbański, Preparing for scientific conferences with LaTeX: A short practical how-to, 2. TUGboat 34:2, 2013, 184-189.