General information

Course type AMUPIE
Module title Migrations in the History of the European Continent
Language English
Module lecturer Rafał Witkowski
Lecturer's email
Lecturer position Professor
Faculty Faculty of History
Semester 2024/2025 (summer)
Duration 30
USOS code 18-MitHotEC-PIE


Faculty of History, Tuesday, 9:00 am, room 3.129

Module aim (aims)

The aim of the class is to show the impact of migration on the history of civilizations.

Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences (where relevant)


Migrations in history (chronology, terminology, problems)

Migrations and linguistic, religious and cultural changes

Migrations inside the European continent in the era of industrialization and urbanization

Overseas migration of Europeans in the modern era

Migrations within multinational states (e.g. Austro-Hungary, Russia)

Forced migrations caused by armed conflicts in the 19th and 20th centuries

National identity and national minorities in context of migration processes (eg Jews, Armenians, Italians, Poles)

Causes, course and effects of modern migration processes

 Migrations in the history (chronology, periodization, problems)

Reading list

1. a) basic literature


  1. b) advanced literature