General information

Course type AMUPIE
Module title Animal Studies
Language English
Module lecturer prof. UAM dr hab. Monika Bakke
Lecturer's email
Lecturer position Professor
Faculty Faculty of Philosophy
Semester 2024/2025 (summer)
Duration 30
USOS code 0000


When:  Mondays from 13.15–14.45.

Where: Campus Ogrody, building C, II floor (Faculty of Philosophy), room 213.

Module aim (aims)

The Animal Studies: An Introduction course offers a comprehensive exploration of the key themes and debates in this dynamic and emerging field. Designed to equip students with the analytical tools and theoretical perspectives necessary to examine human–(nonhuman) animal relationships, the course engages with a wide range of texts, visual materials, and interdisciplinary methods.

Through individual research projects, students will have the opportunity to apply diverse concepts and methodologies to case studies of their choice, culminating in a research presentation. Beyond subject-specific knowledge, the course fosters critical thinking, research skills, and personal reflection, encouraging students to consider how Animal Studies can shape human perceptions and interactions with nonhuman animals.

By the end of the course, students will not only have a strong theoretical foundation but also the practical skills to engage with contemporary issues in ethics, culture, and animal-human relations.

Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences (where relevant)

All are welcome to attend the course, regardless of experience.


Week 1: Introduction to Human-Animal Studies: key concepts and methods Week 2: Anthropocentrism, speciesism and human-animal divide
Week 3: Anthropomorphism: strategy or/and error
Week 4: Domestication of animals and farming
Week 5: Eating animals
Week 6: Animal death in art
Week 7: Beekeeping
Week 8: Animals and biotechnologies
Week 9: Zoo: past and present
Week 10: Animal consciousness
Week 11: Aquatic environments
Week 12: Animals and religions and cults
Week 13: Wild animals
Week 14: Animal phobias
Week 15: Animals in society: final essays & discussion

Reading list

Adams, C. J. „Why Feminist-vegan Now?” Feminism & Psychology, 20(3), 2010.Armstrong, P. “The Postcolonial Animal.”, S. “’You Kill Things to Look at Them’: Animal Death in Contemporary Art.” In Killing animals, eds. Animal Studies Group, University of Illinois Press, 2006.Bekoff, M. “Aquatic Animals, Cognitive Ethology, and Ethics: Questions about Sentience and Other Troubling Issues that Lurk in Turbid Water.” Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, vol. 75, 2007.DeMello, M. Animals and Society. An Introduction to Human-Animal Studies. Columbia University Press, NY 2012. Green, K. & Ginn, F. “The Smell of selfless Love: Sharing Vulnerability with Bees in Alternative Apiculture.” Environmental Humanities, vol. 4, 2014.Haraway, D. When Species Meet. University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis 2007.McWilliams, J. “Loving Animals to Death”, A. “Animals as Specimens, Zoo Animals as Friends: The Life and Death of Marius the Giraffe.” Environmental Philosophy, 12-1, 2015.Plumwood, V. “Prey to a Crocodile”, T. “Are Zoos Morally Defensible?” In Animal Ethics Reader, eds. S. J. Armstrong, R. G. Botzler, Routledge 2003.Smith, M., Davidson, J. “’It Makes My Skin Crawl’: The Embodiment of Disgust in Phobias of ‘Nature’.” Body & Society, Vol. 12, No. 1, 2006.The Cambridge Declaration on Consciousness in Non-Human Animals, T. “If Horses Had Hands”, P. Animal Studies. An Introduction. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2013.