General information

Course type AMUPIE
Module title Principles of marketing
Language English
Module lecturer dr Anna Scheibe
Lecturer's email
Lecturer position lecturer
Faculty Faculty of Law and Administration
Semester 2025/2026 (winter)
Duration 30
USOS code 10-PROFM-w-Erasm


Module aim (aims)

Course Aims:

The Principles of Marketing course is designed to provide students with a foundational understanding of key marketing concepts, strategies, and practices. Through this course, students will gain insights into how businesses identify customer needs, create value, and build long-lasting customer relationships in competitive markets. The aims of the course are:

  1. Introduce Core Marketing Concepts: Students will learn the fundamental principles of marketing, including market segmentation, targeting, positioning, the marketing mix (product, price, place, and promotion), and consumer behavior.
  2. Develop Analytical Skills: The course aims to enhance students' ability to analyze market environments, assess competition, and understand consumer preferences, enabling them to make informed marketing decisions.
  3. Explore Marketing Strategy: Students will explore the development and implementation of marketing strategies that align with business objectives, focusing on creating competitive advantages and adapting to changing market conditions.
  4. Apply Marketing Theory to Real-World Scenarios: Through case studies, projects, and practical exercises, students will apply theoretical knowledge to real-world marketing challenges, enhancing their problem-solving and critical thinking skills.

By the end of the course, students will be equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to understand the role of marketing in business and its influence on organizational success, as well as the ability to develop and implement effective marketing strategies in diverse industries.

Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences (where relevant)

No prior knowledge or competences are needed


Week 1:  An introduction to marketing and marketing strategies             

Week 2:  Market analysis: micro- and macroenvironment

Week 3:  Customer behavior analysis

Week 4:  Market segmentation, target group and positioning

Week 5:  Brand management and brand image creation

Week 6:    Product strategy - product layers and rules of product assortment management

Week 7:   Marketing of services

Week 8:   Pricing strategy

Week 9:   Distribution strategies

Week 10:   Marketing communication - planning promotion efforts

Week 11:    Adverting - how to make customers buy you product?

Week 12:    Sales promotion, direct marketing and public relations

Week 13:    Social media and ambient marketing

Week 14:    Project presentations

Week 15:    Final test

Reading list

Kotler Ph., Amstrong G, Principles of Marketing, Global Edition, 2017

Kotler, Ph, Kartajaya H., Setiawan I., Marketing 3.0: From Products to Customers to the Human Spirit, Willey 2010