General information
Course type | AMUPIE |
Module title | Practical module: Communication in the Cross-Cultural Tourism |
Language | English |
Module lecturer | prof. UAM dr hab. Rafał Dymczyk |
Lecturer's email | |
Lecturer position | profesor uczelni |
Faculty | Faculty of Polish and Classical Philology |
Semester | 2024/2025 (summer) |
Duration | 30 |
ECTS | 4 |
USOS code | 03-AP-CCC-II |
THURSDAY, 15.15-18.30; Collegium Maius, Fredry 10 Street, Śniadeckich Hall.
Module aim (aims)
- teaching how to use basic information about tourism;
- providing students with knowledge on building their own image in the company, the basics of international brand creation and management and the interpersonal communication;
- drawing attention to the need for business education in the humanities;
- teaching the application of tourist knowledge in practice, familiarizing students with the terms and concepts used in the tourism industry,
- showing students the possibility of using information obtained during studies at work in tourism;
- making students aware of the role of intercultural communication in the functioning of modern tourist offices.
Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences (where relevant)
Course learning content: |
Tour guiding of tourist group |
Tourist group management |
Preparation of product presentations of tourist offers |
Forms of contacting the customers |
Tour guide as a group leader |
Tourism and new media |
New forms of tourism |
Reading list
- Gołembski G., Kompendium wiedzy o turystyce, Warszawa 2005.
- Kruczek Z., Kompendium pilota wycieczek, Kraków 2005.
- Gołembski G., Vademecum pilota grup turystycznych, Poznań 2004,
- Open Water Diver Manual, PADI 2006,
- Alejziak W. Marciniec T., Międzynarodowe organizacje turystyczne, Kraków 2003,
- Lijewski T. Mikułowski B. Wyrzykowski J., Geografia turystyki Polski, Warszawa 2002,
- Kruczek Z., Geografia atrakcji turystycznych, Kraków 2005
- katalogi biur turystycznych.