General information
Course type | AMUPIE |
Module title | Practical Latin I |
Language | English |
Module lecturer | dr Sławomira Brud |
Lecturer's email | |
Lecturer position | adiunkt |
Faculty | Faculty of Polish and Classical Philology |
Semester | 2025/2026 (winter) |
Duration | 30 |
ECTS | 4 |
USOS code | 03-AP-PL-I |
Module aim (aims)
- to acquire the skill of translating simple Latin texts into English
- to possess the ability of providing formal and factual analysis of the Latin texts
- to gain the knowledge about the ancient world and its influence on modern occidental civilisation
Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences (where relevant)
reconstructed ancient pronunciation of Latin (pronuntiatio restituta) |
the Latin language through the ages in the European civilisation |
basic Latin grammar in use - declension, conjugation, syntax |
vocabulary, social and historical context of the ancient texts |
Latin sayings and proverbs |
practicing the translation of simple texts from Latin to English |
Roman myths and legends as adapted by Latin authors |
Reading list
- Ørberg Hans H., Lingua Latina per se illustrata, Pars I: Familia Romana, Focus Publishing / R. Pullins Co., Newburyport, 2011 (or later issues), chapters 1-6.
- Ørberg Hans H., Lingua Latina per se illustrata. Colloquia personarum, Montella: Accademia Vivarium Novum, 2004 (or L.I.), chapters 1-6.
- Ørberg Hans H., Lingua Latina per se illustrata. Pars 1: Exercitia Latina, Cambridge MA: Hackett Publishing, 2005 (or L.I.), chapters 1-6.
- Ørberg Hans H., Lingua Latina per se illustrata. Pars 1: Familia Romana. Index vocabulorum: Latine, Anglice, Francogallice, Hispanice, Italice, Germanice, Hafniae (København): Domus Latina 2005 (or L.I.).
- Gibbs Laura, Latin via Proverbs. 4000 Proverbs, Mottoes and Sayings for Students of Latin, Morrisville: Lulu, 2006.
- Hull Clifford A., Steven R. Perkins, Tracy Barr, Latin for Dummies, Indianapolis: Wiley Publishing, 2002
- McCarthy Thomas, Nunc Loquamur: Guided Conversations for Latin, 2nd ed., Focus Publishing / R. Pullins Co., Newburyport 2009.
- Sharpley G. D. A. , Essential Latin. The Language and Life of Ancient Rome, London - New York: Routledge 2000.
- Stone, Jon R., Routledge Dictionary of Latin Quotations, New York - London: Routledge, 2005.