General information

Course type AMUPIE
Module title Practical Latin I
Language English
Module lecturer dr Sławomira Brud
Lecturer's email
Lecturer position adiunkt
Faculty Faculty of Polish and Classical Philology
Semester 2025/2026 (winter)
Duration 30
USOS code 03-AP-PL-I


Module aim (aims)

- to acquire the skill of translating simple Latin texts into English

- to possess the ability of providing formal and factual analysis of the Latin texts

- to gain the knowledge about the ancient world and its influence on modern occidental civilisation

Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences (where relevant)


reconstructed ancient pronunciation of Latin (pronuntiatio restituta)

the Latin language through the ages in the European civilisation

basic Latin grammar in use - declension, conjugation, syntax

vocabulary, social and historical context of the ancient texts

Latin sayings and proverbs

practicing the translation of simple texts from Latin to English

Roman myths and legends as adapted by Latin authors

Reading list


  1. Ørberg Hans H., Lingua Latina per se illustrata, Pars I: Familia Romana, Focus Publishing / R. Pullins Co., Newburyport, 2011 (or later issues), chapters 1-6.
  2. Ørberg Hans H., Lingua Latina per se illustrata. Colloquia personarum, Montella: Accademia Vivarium Novum, 2004 (or L.I.), chapters 1-6.
  3. Ørberg Hans H., Lingua Latina per se illustrata. Pars 1: Exercitia Latina, Cambridge MA: Hackett Publishing, 2005 (or L.I.), chapters 1-6.
  4. Ørberg Hans H., Lingua Latina per se illustrata. Pars 1: Familia Romana. Index vocabulorum: Latine, Anglice, Francogallice, Hispanice, Italice, Germanice, Hafniae (København): Domus Latina 2005 (or L.I.).


  1. Gibbs Laura, Latin via Proverbs. 4000 Proverbs, Mottoes and Sayings for Students of Latin, Morrisville: Lulu, 2006.
  2. Hull Clifford A., Steven R. Perkins, Tracy Barr, Latin for Dummies, Indianapolis: Wiley Publishing, 2002
  3. McCarthy Thomas, Nunc Loquamur: Guided Conversations for Latin, 2nd ed., Focus Publishing / R. Pullins Co., Newburyport 2009.
  4. Sharpley G. D. A. , Essential Latin. The Language and Life of Ancient Rome, London - New York: Routledge 2000.
  5. Stone, Jon R., Routledge Dictionary of Latin Quotations, New York - London: Routledge, 2005.