General information

Course type AMUPIE
Module title Sociobiology
Language English
Module lecturer dr hab. Magdalena Herdegen-Radwan
Lecturer's email
Lecturer position assistant professor
Faculty Faculty of Biology
Semester 2025/2026 (summer)
Duration 30


lecture 20h + classes (10h x 2 groups) = 40h

Module aim (aims)

To familiarize students with evolutionary basis of social behaviours among animals.

To familiarize students with the importance of formulating scientific hypotheses and the resulting predictions, including those based on theoretical (mathematical) models.

To familiarize students with methods for testing hypotheses on the evolutionary basis of animal social behaviours.

Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences (where relevant)

Basic knowledge on evolution (high school level).


1. Social behaviour a a trait under natural selection.

2. The concept of evolutionary stability and its utility for investigating social behaviours.

3. Kin selection and the role of genetic relatedness in the evolution of social behaviours.

4. Reproductive altruism and the reproductive division of labor. 

5. Reciprocal altriusm and the evolution of collaboration.

6. Selfish behaviours and conflicts; evolutionary stability of aggression.

7. Evolutionary consequences of reproductive competition; sexual selection and sexual conflict.

8. Parental care and parent-offspring conflicts.

9. Evolutionary stability of comminication systems.

Reading list

Dawking R.: Selfish gene, Oxford Univeristy Press, England, 1976

Trivers R.: Social Evolution, Benjamin/Cummings, Menlo, CA, 1985