General information
Course type | AMUPIE |
Module title | Comparative education - Contemporary Issues and Debates |
Language | english |
Module lecturer | dr Anna Mańkowska |
Lecturer's email | |
Lecturer position | dr (phd) |
Faculty | Faculty of Educational Studies |
Semester | 2024/2025 (summer) |
Duration | 45 |
ECTS | 5 |
USOS code | CECID |
Classes will be held on Thursdays.
time: 9:45 - 11:14
place: Ogrody Campus, Szamarzwskiego 89
building D, room 507
The detailed timetable will be presented - 1st classes 27th of February
Contact teacher
working plan |
week | date | notes |
1 | 27.02.25 | Introduction - first classes - please remember to register for classes via USOS |
2 | 06.03.25 | Introduction - first classes - please remember to register for classes via USOS |
3 | 13.03.25 | What is comparative and international education? |
4 | 20.03.25 | Why is it important to talk about education in different countries? How can we discuss and research education in different countries? |
5 | 27.03.25 | How are education and culture interconnected? What do pedagogical/educational sciences tell us about it? Theory. |
6 | 03.04.25 | Exploring our educational experiences – What connections between culture and education can international students identify? Internal research and analyze. |
7 | 10.04.25 | Competencies for learning, work, and life in a culturally diverse society. Education systems and culturally diverse society. Theory. |
8 | 24.04.25 | Exploring our educational experiences –How do education systems prepare us for life in a culturally diverse society? Internal research and analyze. |
9 | 08.05.25 | Internationalization of Education Worldwide: Causes, Connections, and Future Significance. Theory. |
10 | 15.05.25 | Exploring our educational experiences –What elements of internationalization can international students from different countries identify when united by a common field of study - education? Internal research and analyze. |
11 | 22.05.25 | |
12 | 29.05.25 | |
13 | 5.06.25 | Assessment |
14 | 12.06.25 | Assessment |
Module aim (aims)
The main course aims:
- to create a new knowledge for the importance of studying education in an international context,
- to introduce participants to the key concepts in international education: globalization of education, internationalisation of education, homogenization, postcolonialism and others,
- to familiarize participants with basic comparative research methods,
- to facilitate reflection on the issues particular to international research including intercultural skills,
- ability to participate at It is seminars (it allows students for discussion and individual work).
Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences (where relevant)
The subject is dedicated to the students interested in educational field.
The English skills B1 and above.
Extra time to visit primary school and sport school in Poznań and outside the city (the date to be determined).
Social competences:
- group work (knowing how it works and be ready to do it),
- brain storm (knowing how it works and be ready to do it),
- ability to deliver a presentation in front of the classmates,
- high level of personal culture and knowledge about the world and societies,
- entrepreneurship,
focus on the implementation of a set objective,
- ability to participate at It is seminars (it allows students for discussion and individual work).
Overview: Provides an academic overview of comparative education as a scholarly discipline. Exploring and learning about educational systems in the World
Key words: comparative education, international education, globalization of education, educational systems, internationalization of education, homogenization, postcolonialism, postmodernity, social cohesion, social equality
Short Description: The course provides an introduction to international and comparative education, for people interested in learning more about education and its international issue. It is seminars and it allows students for discussion.
Participants will consider why it is important to look beyond the nation state in the current context of globalization and global inequalities, and will learn how to explore suitable research approaches for developing their perspective.
By the end of this course students will be able to:
- Analyze the impact of the forces of globalization and internationalization on education.
- Use theories derived from international and comparative study to analyze their own educational experiences .
- Articulate the importance of an international perspective on education .
- Plan international research which demonstrates awareness of basic comparative methods (including sensitivity to intercultural issues) .
- Discuss about the above in an informed and critically analytical manner .
Reading list
Literature will be updated and provided to the students. We will do cloude sharing and cooperation.
Cowen, R., Kazamias, A.M. (eds) International Handbook of Comparative Education. Springer International Handbooks of Education, vol 22. Springer, Dordrecht.
(2023) A framework for ethical research in international and comparative education, Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 53:1, 72-88, DOI: 10.1080/03057925.2021.1876553
(2023) Reimagining and demystifying data: a storytelling approach, Comparative Education, 59:4, 584-601, DOI: 10.1080/03050068.2023.2189677
Val D. Rust & Xuehong Liao - The Evolving Nature of Comparative Education Research.2011 - In John N. Hawkins & W. James Jacob (eds.), Policy Debates in Comparative, International, and Development Education. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 13.
Melosik, Z. (2023). Comparative education: the status controversy and dynamics of scientific development. Studia z Teorii Wychowania, XIV(3 (44)), 9-26.
(2021) PISA, policy and the OECD: respatialising global educational governance through PISA for schools, Comparative Education, 57:2, 298-300, DOI: 10.1080/03050068.2021.1879419
Noah H. J, Eckstein M.A., Defining Comparative Education: Conception of the field [in:] Noah H. J, Eckstein M.A.,Doing Comparative Education: Three Decades of Collaboration, Comparative Education Research Center, 1998, p. 35-41.
Manzon M., Comparing Places, [in:] M. Bray, B.Adamson, M.Mason eds. Comparative Education Research Approaches and Methods, Hong Kong 2007, p. 85-123.• Bray M.& Jkai K., Comparing Systems [in:] M. Bray, B.Adamson, M.Mason eds. Comparative Education Research Approaches and Methods, Hong Kong 2007, p. 123-125
Bray M.& Jkai K., Comparing Systems [in:] M. Bray, B.Adamson, M.Mason eds. Comparative Education Research Approaches and Methods, Hong Kong 2007, p. 123-125