General information

Course type AMUPIE
Module title French for Beginners II
Language French/English
Module lecturer dr Hanna Wiczyńska
Lecturer's email
Lecturer position lecturer
Faculty Foreign Languages Teaching Centre
Semester 2025/2026 (summer)
Duration 30


30h x 3 groups= 90 h

Collegium Heliodori Święcicki, Grunwaldzka 6,

Module aim (aims)

Developing the four basic language skills: speaking, reading, writing, and listening.

Mastering a range of vocabulary, phrases, and structures of French at the beginner level.

Acquiring the ability to understand simple written and listened texts on general topics.

Acquiring the intercultural knowledge necessary to establish and maintain communication with users of the target language, appropriate to their level of proficiency.

Familiarization with the fundamental values of the culture of French-speaking countries.

Developing an awareness of continuous improvement of language skills.

Acquiring the ability to use teaching aids and information technology proficiently to develop language skills.

Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences (where relevant)

This course is designed for students who have mastered French to a minor degree (false beginners) and are interested in revisiting their knowledge and exploring the French language and culture. It can also serve as a continuation of French for Beginners I.


Week 1: My hobbies and interests

(Mes loisirs et mes centres d'intérêt )

Week 2 : My flat – description

(Mon appartement - description)

Week 3: The French-speaking world


Week 4: Journey to Martinique

(Voyage en Martinique)

Week 5 : I usually wake up early… - My daily routine

(D’habitude, je me réveille tôt… - Ma routine quotidienne)

Week 6: Am I not disturbing you ? - Phone conversation

(Je ne te dérange pas? - Conversation téléphonique)

Week 7: A company of dreams… - Work

(Entreprise de rêves… -Travail)

Week 8: How much does a baguette cost? Shopping in France

(Combien coute une baguette? Courses en France)

Week 9: At the restaurant - Food and drinks

(Au restaurant - nourriture et boissons)

Week 10 : What should I wear? - Fashion and clothing

(Qu'est-ce que je dois mettre? - Mode et vêtements )

Week 11: Brad Pitt in the middle of the desert...- Meeting people

(Brad Pitt au milieu du désert… - Rencontres)

Week 12: Personal diary

(Journal intime)

Week 13: Easter in France, Easter in Poland

(Pâques en France, Pâques en Pologne)

Week 14: Revision


Week 15: Evaluation Test

(Test d’évaluation)

Reading list

Dubois A., Lerolle M., Scénario 1, A1/ A2, Méthode de français, Hachette, 2008

Grégoire M.,Thiévenaz O., Grammaire progresive du français, niveau débutant, CLE, 2013

Menand R., Nouveau Taxi 1, Hachette, 2010

Miquel C.,Vocabulaire progressif du français, niveau débutant, Clé International, 1999