General information
Course type | AMUPIE |
Module title | Drama Method for Social Inclusion in Teaching Practises |
Language | English |
Module lecturer | prof. UAM dr hab. Sylwia Jaskulska (coordinator), dr Mateusz Marciniak |
Lecturer's email | |
Lecturer position | |
Faculty | Faculty of Educational Studies |
Semester | 2024/2025 (summer) |
Duration | 30 |
ECTS | 4 |
USOS code | 11-DMTP-11-a |
Module aim (aims)
- broadening the knowledge about the drama method (types, techniques, rules, possibilities) and its conditions
- development of knowledge about the method of drama in educational context (working with children and youth)
- development of awareness of inter-culture diversity and cultural concepts (perception of time, working traits and engagement) and their influence on intercultural relations
- overview and exchange of participants’ knowledge and experiences in the field of marginalization in multicultural
groups (causes, factors, mechanisms and forms of exclusion
- getting experience in working in group and using educational drama and teaching supported by ICT
- expanding the skills of critical thinking and intercultural communication
- development of the ability of educational drama methods application to prevent exclusion in culturally diversified
groups (peers - children and youth, school context, the local community)
- development of the ability of application of main drama methods in practice (design and coordination of drama
meeting: relations between drama leaders and participants)
- experiencing the teaching practice at institutions (visits at kindergarten, primary and secondary schools and other institutions)
Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences (where relevant)
Student enrollment into teacher training programmes or equivalent programmes at the home institution.
The programme is planned into four thematic blocks. Each block is opened with an introduction to the topic. This opening is arranged with real-time classes enriched with asynchronous activities of students. Afterwards, students participate in the workshop(s) for experiential learning of drama. The ending of block is concluded with reflection and analyses of taken actions.
The order of thematic blocks:
Week 1: Introduction to the program of the course
Week 2: Educational drama method
Week 3-4: Socially engaged art and “Big Ideas” in art
Week 5: Drama method and social sustainability
Week 6: Role of peers in social development
Week 7: Mechanisms of peer exclusion
Week 8: Drama against peer exclusion
Week 9: What is beneath the culture
Week 10: The cultural baggage and cognitive maps of the world
Week 11: On the route to effective intercultural communication
Week 12-14: Students presentations: drama meetings (workshops)
Week 15: Sum-up
Assessment methods:
Delivering all the assignments prepared by the teacher during the running course
Active participation in the workshops – taking part in exercises, and discussions conducted during the course
Preparing the outline of the drama meeting (by 3-4 students teams) for children/adolescents.
Micro-teaching - conducting the drama meeting with other participants of the course or with students at school
Reading list
Forysiewicz, B., The Forum Theatre in the prevention of exclusion from a peer group in the school space, “Journal of Education Culture and Society” 2020, 11(2), 335–342.
Gudykunst W.B., eds., Cross-Cultural and Intercultural Communication, SAGE Publications, London, New Delhi 2003.
Jaskulska S., Poleszak W., Peer exclusion, [in.] Educational and socio-cultural competences of contemporary teachers. Selected issues, ed. J. Pyżalski, theQ studio, Łódź 2015.
Leary, M. R., Interpersonal rejection, Oxford University Press, New York 2001.
McNaughton M.J., Educational drama in the teaching of education for sustainability, “Environmental Education Research” 2004, 10:2, 139-155, DOI: 10.1080/13504620242000198140.
McNaughton. M.J., Learning from participants’ responses in educational drama in the teaching of Education for Sustainable Development, “Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance” 2006, 11:1, pages 19-41.
Robinson S., Drama and Personal, Social and Moral Education, Birmingham City Council, Education Department, Birmingham 1995.
Schonmann S. eds., Key Concepts in Theatre/Drama Education, University of Haifa, Israel 2011.
Stockinger P., Intercultural communication. A general introduction, 10.03.2010;
Way B., Development through drama, Humanities Press, New York 1990.
Winiarek-Kołucka M., ed., Drama wzmacnia. Metoda dramy w edukacji antydyskryminacyjnej i
obywatelskiej, Stowarzyszenie Praktyków Dramy STOP-KLATKA, Warszawa 2016.