General information

Course type AMUPIE
Module title International Communication – International Languages
Language EN
Module lecturer prof. UAM dr hab. Ilona Koutny, mgr Michael Farris
Lecturer's email
Lecturer position profesor, wykładowca
Faculty Faculty of Ethnolinguistics
Semester 2024/2025 (winter)
Duration 30
USOS code 09-ICIL-11


Module aim (aims)

Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences (where relevant)

No special knowledge needed, only proficiency in English.

prof. dr hab. Iwona Koutny Instytut Etnolingwistyki, Kierownik Zakładu Hungarystyki i Kierownik Studiów Interlingwistyki
mgr Michael Farris, wykładowca w Zakładzie Hungarystyki, Instytut Etnolingwistyki


Week 1: International communication: its historical and areal aspects 


Week 2: Ethnic international languages: from ancient times to the present day


Week 3: Pidgins and Creole languages: creation, structures, functions 


Week 4: What is interlinguistics? (in both broad and narrow senses)   


Week 5: Planned international languages (throughout history)


Week 6: Constructed languages (newer planned languages)


Week 7: Language policy in the multi-lingual and multi-national European Union        


Week 8: Modern use of English as a lingua franca  (history and problems)       


Week 9: Linguistic and cultural aspects of international communication


Week 10: Psychological and sociological aspects of international communication, linguistic rights      


Week 11: Esperanto as an international language       


Week 12: Structure and vocabulary of Esperanto – language economy


Week 13: Acquisition of Esperanto vs that of ethnic languages


Week 14: International English and Esperanto in intercultural communication 


Week 15: Review and evaluation

Reading list

Barandovska-Frank, Vera 2018: Concept(s) of interlinguistics. In: JKI 13: 15-31.

Blanke, Detlev 2001: Plansprachen und europäische Sprachenpolitik. In: Blanke, D. (ed.): Sprachenpolitik in Europa.  “Interlinguistische Informationen“. Beiheft 6. Berlin: Gesellschaft für Interlinguistik e.V. 85-105

Chan Kai L.  2016: Power Language Index.

Christiansen, Pia Vanting 2006: Language policy in the European Union. European/English/ Elite/ Equal/Esperanto Union? In: Language Problems, Language Planning 30/1: 21-44.

Farris, Michael 2014: The psychological economy of the English language industry. In: Język Komunikacja Informacja 9: 27-36.

Fiedler, Sabine 2010: Approaches to fair linguistic communication. In: European Journal of Language Policy, 2.1. 1-22

Fiedler, Sabine 2011: English as a lingua franca – a native- culture-free code? Language of communication vs. language of identification, In: Apples – Journal of Applied Language Studies Vol. 5/3: 79-97.

Gazzola, Michel 2014: Language Policy and Linguistic Justice in the European Union: The Socio-Economic Effects of Multilingualism. In: ELF Working Papers 15.

Gobbo, F. 2020: International Auxiliary Language. In J. Stanlaw (Ed.), The International Encyclopedia of Linguistic Anthropology Wiley

Gobbo, F. & Marácz, L. 2021: Two linguas francas? Social inclusion through English and Esperanto. Social Inclusion9(1), 75-84. 

Graddol, David 2006: English next. British Council

Koutny, Ilona 2015: A typological description of Esperanto as a natural language. In: JKI 10: 43-62.

Koutny, Ilona 2015: Can complexity be planned?  In: INDECS 13(2): 236-249.

Montagut, Abel: The Contribution of the International Language Esperanto towards Linguistic Diversity

Mufwene, Salikoko 2001: Creoles, Pidgins and the Evolution of Languages:

Phillipson, Robert 2003: English-only Europe? Challenging language policy. London and New York: Routledge, Summary:

Phillipson, R. 2010: The EU and languages: diversity in what unity? In: Linguistic diversity and European democracy, ed. Anne Lise Kjær and Silvia Adamo, Farnham: Ashgate: 57-74. Also: 

Piron, Claude. The language challenge -- facing up to reality

Schubert, Klaus (ed.) 1989: Interlinguistics. Aspects of the Science of Planned Languages. Berlin / New York: Mouton de Gruyter; Introduction

Skutnabb-Kangas, Tove (2012). Linguistic Human Rights. In: Solan, Larry and Tiersma, Peter (eds). Oxford Handbook on Language and Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 235-247.

Tonkin, Humphrey 2015: Language planning and planned languages: how can planned languages inform language planning. In: INDECS 13(2): 193-199

Universal Declaration of Linguistic Rights:

Weber, George 2008: Top Languages. The World’s 10 most influential languages.