General information

Course type AMUPIE
Module title Mediation As An Alternative Form Of Conflict Solution In A Family, School And Peer Environment.
Language English
Module lecturer dr Joanna Rajewska De Mezer
Lecturer's email
Lecturer position senior lecturer
Faculty Faculty of Educational Studies
Semester 2025/2026 (winter)
Duration 15
USOS code 11-MAS-11-a


2 groups (15h each) = 30h

Module aim (aims)

1) familiarizing the student with the issues of the conflict, its genesis and significance in the life of an individual of the society.2) equipping students with knowledge about the institution of mediation, its goals and importance in out-of-court resolution of school and peer family conflicts.3) showing students the characteristic features and principles of mediation proceedings in family, school and peer matters and the role of the mediator.4) acquiring the student's ability to use mediation-specific tools to overcome conflict situations and build an atmosphere of cooperation based on jointly developed agreement.

Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences (where relevant)

Fundamentals of knowledge about society, the state and law contained in secondary school programs



1) The conflict as a contribution to mediation. The concept of conflict and the origin of the conflict, types of conflicts, styles of conflict solution.2) The conflict as an opportunity to build an agreement. Negotiations and mediation.3) Mediation - the concept, types, forms and goals of mediation. Benefits of mediation.4) Features of mediation proceedings, mediation rules and techniques, stages of mediation, formulation of a mediation settlement / agreement.5) Mediator - his role in mediation proceedings.6) Family mediation - specificity of family conflict, types of problems solved by means of family mediation, the child's situation in family mediation.7) School and peer mediation - characteristics of school and peer conflicts, goals of school and peer mediation, stages of introducing mediation to the school (changes in internal acts (statutes), role of the guardian of peer mediators, creation of a peer mediator circle / center, training of students - mediators). Benefits of introducing mediation to schools and educational establishments.All lectures will include a practical part, exercises, case studies, mediation simulations, allowing participants to appear in individual roles.

Reading list

1) John M. Haynes (1994), The Fundamentals of Family Mediation, New York Press.2) P.R Kimmel (2001), Culture and conflict in Deutsch M., Coleman P.T. (eds.). Handbook.3) J.Folberg, A.L.Milne, P,Salem, (eds.) (2004), Divorce and family mediation. Models, Techniques, Applications, New York, London. 4) Sahin F.S., Serin N. B., Serin O. (2011), Effect of conflict resolution and peer mediation traning on empathy skills, [w:] Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol.15. 5) Recommendation No R (98) 1 of the Committee of Ministers on 21 January 1998 at the 616th meeting of the Minister’s Deputies.6) David W. Johnson, Roger T. Johnson (1996) , Conflict Resolution and Peer Mediation Programs in Elementary and Secondary Schools: A Review of the Research, The Review of Educational Researches Vol. 66 pp.459-5061) P.R. Kimmel (2005), Konflikt a kultura w: Deutsch M., Coleman P.T. (red.). Rozwiązywanie konfliktów. Teoria i praktyka, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego.2) K. Bargiel-Matusiewicz (2007), Negocjacje i mediacje, Warszawa3) Ewa Rutkowska (2015), Mediacje i inne sposoby rozwiązywania konfliktów w gimnazjum, Sieci współpracyi samokształcenia, Warszawa. 4) H. Przybyła – Basista (2006), Mediacje rodzinne w konflikcie rozwodowym. Gotowość i opór małżonków, a efektywność procesu mediacji.; Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, Katowice. 5) M. McKay, M. Davis, P. Fanning (2001), Sztuka skutecznego porozumiewania się Gdańskie Wydawnictwo Psychologiczne, Gdańsk.6) Zienkiewicz A. (2007), Studium mediacji. Od teorii ku praktyce, Warszawa.7) Gójska A.(2011), Mediacja w sprwach rodzinnych, Warszawa.8) Rajewska de Mezer J. (2020), The Place of Family Mediation as a Form Of Support and Protection of Children’s Rights in Social Assistance Activities, Socialni Prace, vol. 20, nr 4, 2020, s. 87-102, 9) Rajewska de Mezer J.(2020), The role of mediation in protecting the child’s right to contact with a parent in the situation of a marriage or an informal relationship breakdown, Wychowanie w rodzinie, vol. 23, nr 2, 2020