General information
Course type | AMUPIE |
Module title | History of British literature after 1900 |
Language | English |
Module lecturer | prof. UAM dr hab. Ryszard Bartnik; dr Beniamin Kłaniecki |
Lecturer's email | |
Lecturer position | Professor |
Faculty | Faculty of English |
Semester | 2024/2025 (winter) |
Duration | 45 |
ECTS | 4 |
USOS code | 15-HLBP2-AMU-PIE-11 |
Module aim (aims)
- Studying selected literary texts from the late nineteenth century onwards in their historical/social/cultural context;
- Developing the skill of close reading and critical analysis of literary texts with special attention to genres, forms, language, literary devices and conventions; developing the understanding of the conventions;
- Discussing major themes, problems and conventions in English literature from the nineteenth century onwards;
- Developing the ability to communicate, both in writing and orally, ideas on literary texts in a clear, precise and effective way;
- Improving the ability of employing literary terms and terminology in order to discuss literary texts;
Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences (where relevant)
- students must have high level of English required to read literary works and critical sources;
- former experience in analysing literary texts (acquired, for example, during other courses in literary or cultural studies) is welcome.
Week 1: Introduction to the course; Georgian and war poetry
Week 2: Joseph Conrad: Heart of Darkness
Week 3: E.M. Forster: Passage to India
Week 4: Celtic Twilight and W.B. Yeats
Week 5: Modernist fiction (Virginia Woolf)
Week 6: Modernist fiction (James Joyce)
Week 7: Modernist poetry (Ezra Pound, T.S. Eliot, W.H. Auden)
Week 8: George Orwell: 1984
Week 9: Poetry of the 20th century (Heaney and Harrison)
Week 10: J. M. Coetzee: Foe
Week 11: Hanif Kureishi: “My Son the Fanatic”;
Week 12: Zadie Smith: “Two Men Arrive in a Village”;
Week 13: Andrea Levy: “Loose Change”;
Week 14: Hilary Mantel: “The Assassination of Margaret Thatcher – August 6th 1983”;
Week 15: Revision and conclusions
Week 1: Introduction to the course (the aims and objectives, requirements, the final examination)
Week 2: The Aesthetic Movement
Week 3: The realist novel of the late Victorian and Ewardian period
Week 4: Late-Victorian romance
Week 5: Celtic Twilight
Week 6: The New Woman fiction and feminism
Week 7: Modernist literature: introduction
Week 8: Modernist theories on literature
Week 9: Twentieth-century drama (Angry Young Men, Theatre of the Absurd, contemporary theatre)
Week 10: Postmodern literature and historiographic metafiction
Week 11: Postcolonial literature
Week 12: (Post)Feminism and women’s fiction, from Virginia Woolf to contemporary women writers.
Week 13: Controversy and censorship: from G.B Shaw and Oscar Wilde to Salman Rushdie and Sarah Kane.
Week 14: Contemporary developments in fiction
Week 15: Revision and conclusions
Reading list
reading lists includes all the texts disussed in class