General information

Course type AMUPIE
Module title Psychopedagogical Diagnosis In Education And Psychopathology Of Children And Youth
Language English
Module lecturer dr Michalina Kasprzak
Lecturer's email
Lecturer position adiunkt
Faculty Faculty of Educational Studies
Semester 2024/2025 (winter)
Duration 45
USOS code 11-PDEP-11-a


Day: Mondays hours: 9:45 – 14:45.

Location: Międzychodzka 5, room 313

Duration: 2.12.2024 – 27.01.2025.

FIRST MEETING: 2.12.2024 (organisational classes with mandatory attendance). The detailed timetable and syllabus will be presented in 1st class.

The classes will be held in the second part of the winter semester (2.12.2024-27.01.2025) in the form of 6-hour blocks of meetings. (90' classes LEK, 15' breaks, 90' classes SEM, 15' breaks, 90' classes SEM). Attendance at lectures and seminars is required. It is not possible to take only one part of this course. 

The attendance in classes is required from the first meeting (2.12.2024). In justified cases students may join classes from second meeting (9.12.2024). There is no possibility to join course from 3-rd (or subsequent) meeting.

If you have any problems, please email me: 

Module aim (aims)

1) broadening the knowledge about the process of diagnosis (types, components, standards, possibilities, mistakes, ethical principles) and it’s conditions
2) development of the knowledge of diagnosis in education and therapy; components of pedagogical and psychological diagnosis, relation between diagnosis and intervention
3) broadening the knowledge about main methods of diagnosis: observation, conversation/interview, survey, documents analysis (their types, advantages and disadvantages) and design, creation and usage of diagnostic tools: interview questionnaires, observational schedule, projective tests ect.
4) familiarizing students with the basic concepts of developmental psychology and psychopathology: harmony and disharmony, norms and pathology; the mechanism (major models, causes, nature and course) of childhood and adolescent disorders
5) familiarizing with the etiology, clinical image and the diagnosis process of selected developmental and behaviour disorders: ADHD, conduct disorders (ODD&CD), autism specter disorders (ASD), intellectual disability (ID), communication and learning disorders (LD), eating and emotional disorders
6) development of the skills of application of main diagnostic methods in educational and clinical practice: expanding skills of critical thinking, reflective observation and interpreta-tion of data gathered in the process of diagnosis of children and youth with disorders on the basic of socio – emotional functioning with environmental context (family/peers/school)
7) development of ability to design and conduct the diagnostic procedure of an individual case of child from the risk of behavioral or developmental disorders

Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences (where relevant)

Basic knowledge within areas: human development in life-cycle, main concepts and terms from psychology

B2 English level allowing for active participation in discussions during seminars


The programme of " Psychopedagogical Diagnosis in Education and Psychopathology of Children & Youth" covers:

Week 1: Diagnostic procedure: definitions (diagnosis and diagnosing in pedagogy and psychology), types and structure of diagnosis, diagnosis in methodological categories and as a decision making procedure.
Week 2: Diagnosis in educational and therapeutic context: diagnosis and intervention/therapy, diagnostician as a member of interdisciplinary teams, types of clinical diagnosis, models of diagnosis in pedagogical disciplines.
Week 3: External (situational) and internal (subjective) determinants of the process of diagnosis: diagnosis as human relation (bias in perception of others), diagnostician competence, general rules and prevention of mistakes in the process of diagnosis, ethical problems.
Week 4: Basic diagnostic tools in psychopedagogical diagnosis: rules of design and usage of standardised tests, questionnaires, inventories, control lists. Interpretation of diagnostic data. Designing of the different types of evaluation reports.
Week 5: Diagnosing the child's situation at school and at family. The child's social situation in the class interpretation principles of sociometric methods. The multidimensional evaluation of school achievements and failures. Diagnostic tools of assessment child’s situation in family.
Week 6: Basic concepts of developmental psychology and psychopathology: the development in life-cycle, harmony and disharmony, norms and pathology, mechanism of disorders from different theoretical perspectives: major models, causes, nature and course, the major psychopathological classifications (ICD, DSM)
Week 7: Diagnosis of issues associated with the selected developmental and behavioral disorders of the children and the adolescents.
Week 8: Expressing the results of systematic diagnosis in positive terms referring to specific conducts in terms of optimistic approach


Week 1: Introduction. Discussion of course outline, requirements and assessment.
Week 2: Components of the schema of the individual case study.
Week 3: Observation: Observation as a diagnostic method: definition, types, rules of appropriate use, elements of casual and professional diagnosis, subject of observation
Week 4:. Observation: Standardization of observation: design of the observation schedule – evaluation of the level of development of competence (non-observational) on basics of behavioral indicators (observation scales of frequency, strength, quality). Common mistakes in observation procedure.
Week 5: Interview: Conversation and interview: definition, types of interview, requirements toward appropriate construction of the questions, types of questions. Active listening techniques, blockades in communication,
Week 6: Interview: Structure of the interview and conversation (introduction, essential part, ending). Rules of conducting the interview - depth and order of topics/question in topic.
Week 7: Registration and interpretation of data gathered during observation and interview. Registration of data (principles and legal regulations of recording); creating the protocol. Forms of interpretation..
Week 8: Selected projection methods in psychopedagogical diagnosis - description of chosen techniques (TR, TAT, drawing tests), rules of application and interpretation.
Week 9. Analysis of documents and products of the child and youth - classification of documents, levels of documents analysis, qualitative goals of data analysis.
• week 10: …Disruptive behaviour disorders: ADHD/ADD; conduct problems (CD) and Oppositional-Defiant Disorder (ODD)
• week 11: … Intellectual Disability and Pervasive Developmental Disorders – mild, moderate, severe, profound intellectual disability and emotional, social and cognitive functioning; disintegrative disorders (autistic, Asperger’s and Rett’s syndromes)
• week 12: … Emotional and Social Disorders: reactive attachment disorders, separation anxiety disorders, social anxiety disorder, school refusal (phobias), depression
• week 13: … Elimination, eating tic disorders and adolescence problems – enuresis, encopresis, feeding and eating disorders of infancy and childhood, eating disorders in adolescence (anorexia. bulimia), tic disorders (Tourette’s syndrome), behavioural/process and substance-related addictions
• week 14: … Communication and Learning Disorders: types of communication disorders (expressive, receptive, phonological, stuttering); learning (reading, mathematics, written expression) disorders
Week 15: Final classes: The case study evaluation and discussions. Reflections from class discussion.


- presence at minimum ot 90% od classes
- active participation in seminars
- written quiz (from lectures part)
- preparation of the set of diagnostic tools AND/OR preparaion of case study of the child/adolescent from an at-risk group for psychopathology (from seminars)

Students will receive two final grades (the separate grade from lecture part and separate from seminar part) 

Reading list

The selected fragments:

• Butatko, D. & Daehler, M. (2001) (4th Ed.): Child Development. A Thematic Approach. USA: Houghton Mifflin Company.
• Coyle, D., Hood, P. and Marsh, D. (2010). CLIL. Cambridge, CUP
• Crawford, S., & Stucki, L. (1990). Peer review and the changing research record. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 41(3), 223-228
• Denzin N.K., Lincoln Y.S. (ed.). (2011). The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research, London: SAGE Publications Inc.
• Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition: DSM-5, (2015). American Psychiatric Association,
• Eminli T. B., (2011), Statement of the Problem of Pedagogical Diagnostics in Literature on Pedagogy and School Practice, “Asian Social Science”, Vol. 7, No. 8, p. 260-264.
• Gronlund, G. & James, M. (2005). Focused Observations. How to Observe Children for Assessment and Curriculum Planning. Minneapolis: Redleaf Press.
• Guasch, T., Alvarez, I., & Espasa, A. (2010). University teacher competencies in a virtual teaching/learning environment: Analysis of a teacher training experience. Teaching and Teacher Education, 26(2), 199-206.Hobart, C. & Frankel, J. (2004). A practical guide to child observation and assessment. Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes.
• Kendall P.C., Childhood disorders, Psychology Press, 2000.
• Kendall P.C. (eds.) Child and Adolescent Therapy, Fourth Edition: Cognitive-Behavioral Procedures, Guilford Press, 2012
• Mikhaylichev, E. A. (2003b). Methodology of pedagogical psycho-diagnostics. “School technologies”, Vol. 6, 147-157.
• Protopsaltis A. (2012), DELIVERABLE D2.3.1: Pedagogical and Diagnostic Framework, [Downloaded:, Access: 22.02.2016]
• Rasulov I. (2015), The importance of pedagogical diagnosis for quality acquisition of knowledge, “The Advanced Science Journal”, Vol. 15 (3), p. 26-28.
• Silver L.B. (2006). The misunderstood child, Three Rivers Press, New York.
• Yin R.K. (2014). Case Study Research: Design and Methods, London: SAGE Publications Inc.