General information

Course type AMUPIE
Module title German For Beginners / Elementary German Level A1.2+
Language English, German
Module lecturer mgr Agnieszka Włodarek
Lecturer's email
Lecturer position M.A.
Faculty Foreign Languages Teaching Centre
Semester 2024/2025 (winter)
Duration 30


Friday, 11:30 - 13:00, Coll. Heliodori Święcicki, room 312

Module aim (aims)

1. Assimilation of basic structures and vocabulary in German language used for communication in daily situations

2. Development of four language skills ( listening, speaking, reading, writing ) on level A1.2+

3. Acquiring culture information about German people and country

Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences (where relevant)

The course is for students who have little knowledge of German and who are interested in discovering German language and culture. It can also serve as continuation of the course German For Beginners II / Level A1.2.


Week 1: Introduce yourself. Icebreakers.

Week 2: Appearance and charakter. Personal description - Aussehen und Charakter. Personen beschreiben

             ( Präteritum "war", "hatte" )

Week 3: Party - Talk

             ( Perfekt: nicht trennbare Verben; Wortbildung: Adjektive mit un- )

Week 4: At home ( housework, domestic work ) - Im Haushalt ( häusliche Arbeiten )

             ( Imperativ und Personalpronomen im Akkusativ - Wiederholung )

Week 5: Traffic rules - Regeln im Straßenverkehr

             ( Modalverben im Satz )

Week 6: Clothes - Kleidung

              ( Komparation, Vergleiche )

Week 7: Celebrating festivals in German-speaking countries - Feste in deutschsprachigen Ländern

             ( Ordinalzahlen: Datum )

Week 8: Congratulations, compliments, wishes

             ( Konjunktiv II - Würde - Form )

Week 9: Christmas in Germany - Weihnachten in Deutschland

            ( Mid - term test )

Week 10: Tourism: Landscape tour and city tour - Landschafts - und Städtereisen

Week 11: Sightseeing - Stadtbesichtigung

             ( Adjektivdeklination: definiter Artikel )

Week 12: Greetings from holidays - Grüße aus dem Urlaub

              ( Postkarten / Facebook - Nachrichten schreiben )

Week 13: Sport and Fitness. Names of different types of sports and games. My sport profile - Sportarten und mein                  Sportprofil

Week 14: German songs - Deutsche Lieder

Week 15: Final test

Reading list

1. Menschen, Deutsch als Fremdsprache A1.2 + A2.1 ( Kursbuch und Arbeitsbuch ), Hueber Verlag

2. Deutsch für Anfänger - Wortschatzübungen ohne Langweile, WIR Wydawnictwo i Reklama

3. Deutsch für dich 1 neu, Wzdawnictwo Neograf

4. Grammatik aktiv A1 - B1, Cornelsen Verlag

5. Websites: Deutsche Welle, Slow German, Easy German etc.