General information

Course type AMUPIE
Module title Introduction To The Tourism II. Tour Guiding.
Language English
Module lecturer prof. UAM dr hab. Rafał Dymczyk
Lecturer's email
Lecturer position AMU Professor
Faculty Faculty of Polish and Classical Philology
Semester 2024/2025 (summer)
Duration 30
USOS code 03-AP-ITO-II


2 hours per week + practice

TUESDAY, 17.00-20.15; Collegium Maius, Fredry 10 Street, room 327.


Module aim (aims)

Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences (where relevant)


Week 1: Tour Guiding as a Profession. 


Week 2: Tour Guiding as a Profession II.                      


Week 3: Tour Guiding.


Week 4: Tour Guiding II.


Week 5: Tour Guiding III


Week 6: Tour Guiding IV.


Week 7: How to speak clearly .   


Week 8: Tour Guiding - exercises.


Week 9-Week 15: Practical Tour (Vienna or Prague). 

Reading list