General information

Course type AMUPIE
Module title History of the British Isles
Language English
Module lecturer dr Tomasz Skirecki
Lecturer's email
Lecturer position assistant professor
Faculty Faculty of English
Semester 2025/2026 (winter)
Duration 30


1 x 1.5 h lecture a week 

detailed timetable TBA

Module aim (aims)

To provide students with the knowledge about the most important events, processes and figures in the history of the British Isles

To develop students' ability to recognize historical references in contemporary literature and culture of the British Isles

To provide students with appropriate historical nomenclature and terminology in English

Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences (where relevant)



The British Isles in antiquity

Cultural heritage of the Celts and Romans

Christianization of the British Isles

Celts, Anglo-Saxons, Vikings

The Normans and the Plantagenets.

The Hundred Years' War and the Wars of the Roses.

The Tudors and the Reformation in England and Scotland

The Elizabethan Age.

The Stuarts

The Restoration. The rise of Great Britain.

The House of Hanover

The wars and colonial conquests in the 18th century. Napoleonic wars.

The Victorian Age.

The British Empire in the 19th century.

The UK in World War I and the inter-war period.

The UK in World War II

Reading list

Cunliffe, Barry (ed.). 2004. The Penguin Illustrated History of Britain and Ireland. From the Earliest Times to the Present. London: Penguin Books.  

Davies, Norman. 2000. The Isles. A History. Basingstoke and Oxford: Papermac.

Gilbert, Martin. 2007. The Routledge Atlas of British History. Fourth Edition. London: Routledge.

Kearney, Hugh. 2006. The British Isles. A History of Four Nations. Second Edition. Cambridge: CUP.

McDowall, D. 2001. An Illustrated History of Britain. Longman.

Morgan, Kenneth (ed.). 2001. The Oxford History of Britain. Revised Edition. Oxford: OUP.