General information

Course type AMUPIE
Module title Historical Trauma and Everyday Beauty – 19th Century in Poland
Language English
Module lecturer dr Anna Roter-Bourkane
Lecturer's email
Lecturer position St. wykładowca
Faculty Faculty of Polish and Classical Philology
Semester 2022/2023 (winter)
Duration 30
USOS code 03-AP-HTE


Module aim (aims)

The 19th century was a very particual time in Polish history and literature: a non-existing state divided into 3 pieces with the Polish nation being subdued to constant pressure, uprisings, heroism, Great Emigration and Syberian jails – all this along the great beauty of traditional every-day life.The course will focus on the people: how they lived under those circumstances: how they worked, what their food was like, what they wore and what was fashionable, what they did in winter, how the tra

Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences (where relevant)


Historical 19th century “know-how” Society – how was it divided and why? Lifestyles, short characteristics, stereotypes. Different careers – Great Emigration, Syberian jails, political careers, traitors and heroes. Education and upbringing – how Polish children were educated during the 19th century – official universities and clandestine teaching. Free time and fun: parties and balls, evenings, plays, theatre, music and sports. Polish women's dresses in the 19th century – what they looked like, how they changed, what messages they carried. Male and children clothing. Accessories (some strange): shoes, purses, gloves, canes, spittoons, fans, etc. Furniture, de

Reading list

Reading list (The appropriate parts of selected books will be provided by the teacher) 1. W. Baraniewski, Kuchnia i stół w polskim dworze, Warszawa 2004. 2. J. S. Bystroń, Dzieje obyczajów w dawnej Polsce, Warszawa 1960. 3. A. D. Chłapowski, O rolnictwie, Poznań 1843. 4. Cudzoziemcy o Polsce. Relacje i opinie, t. 2: Wiek XVIII – XIX, wybrał i opracował J. Gintel, Kraków 1971. 5. Z. Czartoryski, O stylu krajowym w budownictwie wiejskim, Poznań 1896. 6. I. Domańska-Kubiak, Zakątek pamięci. Zycie w XIX-wiecznych dworkach kresowych, Warszawa 2004. 7. Dwór polski w XIX wieku: zjawisko historyczne i kulturowe, red. A. Gogut, Warszawa 1990. 8. F. Gensówna, łoda gospodyni. Kuchnia, spiżarnia, apteczk