General information

Course type AMUPIE
Module title Naturalist Epistemologies
Language English
Module lecturer Joanna K. Malinowska
Lecturer's email
Lecturer position PhD
Faculty Faculty of Philosophy
Semester 2021/2022 (winter)
Duration 30
USOS code 000


Module aim (aims)

After the module, a student:

Naturalism is currently one of the most popular paradigms in epistemology. Over the years, not only many varieties of epistemological naturalism have appeared, but also many critical voices against it has raised. The course is devoted to reconstruct and analyse the history of its development. We will talk about criticism formulated against this position as well as about many of its types. Finally, we will consider the biggest challenges and the important problems discussed within the naturalistic framework. By participating in the course, students will gain knowledge about the most current epistemological issues and attempts to solve them. Thus, they will be able to understand and participate in contemporary philosophical discussions regarding theory of knowledge.

Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences (where relevant)

No prior epistemological knowledge is required.


Week 1: Introduction

Week 2: Historical background for the development of normalised epistemology

Week 3: Typology of naturalism

Week 4: Meta-subject and subject issues in naturalised epistemology

Week 5: Physicalist trend in naturalised epistemology

Week 6: Meta-subject issues in the physicalist naturalised epistemology

Week 7: Selected subject problems in the physicalist naturalised epistemology

Week 8: Evolutionist trend in naturalised epistemology

Week 9: Evolutionary epistemology as a research program

Week 10:Meta-subject issues in the evolutionary epistemology

Week 10:Meta-subject issues in the evolutionary epistemology 2

Week 12: Selected subject problems in the evolutionist naturalised epistemology

Week 13: Biological and cultural co-constructivism as an interdisciplinary continuation of the program

evolutionary epistemology

Week 14: Limits of the naturalisation of epistemology            

Week 15: Summary and the closing discussion          

Reading list

  1. Papineau, D. (2015). Naturalism. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, www.plato.stan-, dostęp dnia: 25.03.2016.
  2. Quine W. O. – Epistemology naturalized
  3. Kim, J. (1988). What Is „Naturalized Epistemology”? Philosophical Perspectives (2) Ridgeview
  4. G o l d m a n A . (1993). Epistemic Folkways and Scientific Epistemology. Philosophical Issues (3), s. 271–285.
  5. Knowles J. (2002). Naturalised Epistemology Without Norms. Croatian Journal of Philosophy (2/6), s. 281–295.
  6. Churchland P. S. (1987). Epistemology in the Age of Neuroscience. The Journal of Philosophy (84/10), s. 544–553.
  7. Bo n J o u r L . (1998). In Defence of Pure Reason: Rationalist Account of A Priori Justification. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  8. L o r e n z K . (2009). Kant’s Doctrine Of The A Priori In The Light Of Contemporary Bio- logy, [w:] Philosophy after Darwin: Classic and Contemporary Readings. Princeton: Princeton University Press, s. 231–247.
  9. Campbell D. T. (1987a). Evolutionary Epistemology, [w:] Evolutionary Epistemology, Ratio- nality, and the Sociology of Knowledge. (Red.) Radnitzky G., Bartley W.W.III, La Salle: Open Court, s. 47–90.
  10. Ramirez-Goicoechea – Cognition, evolution, and sociality.
  11. Chiao J. Y i inni. (2010). Theory and methods in cultural neuroscience. Social Cognitive & Affective Neuroscience (5/2–3), s. 356–361.