General information

Course type AMUPIE
Module title Globalisation, International Agencies, Economy And Education
Language English
Module lecturer dr Celina Czech- Włodarczyk
Lecturer's email
Lecturer position adiunkt
Faculty Faculty of Educational Studies
Semester 2022/2023 (summer)
Duration 30
USOS code 11-GI-11-a


Wednesdays 9.45-11.15, room 313, Międzychodzka 5.

First class- 8 March 2023

Module aim (aims)

Encourage students to raise critical awareness about increasing globalization of the world's economies and infrastructures which have impact on our planet and those who live here. This course introduces students to the issues concerning the influence of globalization on the field of education. This course offers to participants an extensive collection of readings and source material on critical global issues, plus teaching ideas, lesson plans, and rich collections of resources that future teachers can use during their classes.

Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences (where relevant)

English on intermediate level, allowing for the free speaking and reading the articles in English


Introduction. Discussion of course outline, requirements and assessment.
Legacy of inequality
Global economy: colonialism without colonies
Global Sweatshops
Kinds for sale: child labour in the global economy
Just food? Poverty, hunger and food companies
Culture, consumption and the environment
Human rights in the time of market driven economy
Neoliberalism, ideology and education
Globalizing agencies and policy change- theory and definition
Globalizing agencies and policy change- examples
Vouchers, market and the future of public education
Vouchers, market and the future of public education
How popular media frame the parameters of social actions and actors

Reading list

B. Bigelow, B. Peterson, Rethinking globalization. Teaching for justice in an unjust world, Rethinking School Publication, Milwaukee 2002.
R. Lowe, B. Miner, Selling out our schools. Vouchers, markets, and the future of public education, Rethinking School Publication, Milwaukee 1996.
E. Marshall, Ö. Sensoy Rethinking popular culture and media, Rethinking School Publication, Milwaukee 2011.
L. Christensen, S. Karp, Rethinking school reform. Views from the classroom, Rethinking School Publication, Milwaukee 2003.
K. Swope, B. Miner, Failing our kids. Why the testing craze won't fix our schools, Rethinking School Publication, Milwaukee 2000.
E. J. Hyslop- Margison, A. M. Sears, Neo-liberalism, globalization and human capital learning. Reclaiming education for democratic citizenship, Springer, The Netherlands 2006.