General information

Course type AMUPIE
Module title Polaco Para Hispanoablantes
Language Spanish
Module lecturer dr Edyta Kwiatkowska-Faryś
Lecturer's email
Lecturer position adiunkt
Faculty Faculty of Modern Languages and Literatures
Semester 2021/2022 (winter)
Duration 60
USOS code 09-PPH-11


Module aim (aims)

· assimilation of Polish pronunciation, basic structures and vocabulary in Polish language used for communication in daily situations

· acquiring basic information about Polish people and country; developing the cultural awareness

· understanding the grammar structures of the Polish language

· enhancing communication and interaction

· development of four language skills on level A1

· intensive interactive practice with individual feedback

Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences (where relevant)

· The course will be given in Spanish



Week 1: How to introduce yourself – particularidades de la pronunciación y alfabeto polaco

Week 2: Personal information, occupations – conjugación del verbo y pronombres personales, caso instrumental.

Week 3: Family and friends – singular y plural del nombre (animado), sistema de declinación

Week 4: Body and look – genero y número del adjetivo, concordancia, números

Week 5: Shopping, public transport – repaso de instrumental, caso genitivo y acusativo, indicar posesión

Week 6: Objects, colours, shapes, characters – singular y plural del nombre (inanimado), comparativo y superlativo

Week 7: My flat and my city, spatial expressions – adverbio, práctica de sintaxis en polaco, caso locativo

Week 8: My day, time – practicar la conjugación de verbo, caso dativo

Week 9: Free time and hobbies – gustar, preferir, repaso de conjugaciones

Week 10: Festivities in Poland – práctica de conversación, hablar de las particularidades de la vida social

Week 11: Meeting people – verbos en los tiempos gramaticales: forma y uso

Week 12: Vacations, weather and climate – expresiones de tiempo, preposiciones, aspecto del verbo

Week 13: Cooking and tasting – modo imperativo

Week 14: Revision – repaso

Week 15: Evaluation Test – Prueba de evaluación

Reading list

Kucharczyk J. 1999. Zaczynam mówić po polsku.

Lechowicz J. 2007. Ten. Te. To.

Narebska I. 2020. Cuaderno de polaco.

Narebska I., 2018. Gramática polaca.

Stempek I. 2010. Polski. Krok po kroku.