General information

Course type AMUPIE
Module title Reading and writing academic texts
Language English
Module lecturer Bartłomiej Kruk, MA
Lecturer's email
Lecturer position lecturer
Faculty Faculty of English
Semester 2023/2024 (winter)
Duration 15
USOS code 15-RWAT-AMU-PIE-11


Module aim (aims)

Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences (where relevant)


Week 1: Introduction to the course/ Social contextualisation of research  


Week 2: Social contextualisation of research


Week 3: MA paper structure, discipline variation and rhetorical structure


Week 4: MA paper formatting and citation          


Week 5: Academic vs non-academic language – vocabulary and grammar


Week 6: Academic vs non-academic language – vocabulary and grammar


Week 7: Academic style – stance and hedging    


Week 8: Working with sources


Week 9: Synthesising sources


Week 10: Describing methods


Week 11: Results and discussion


Week 12: Conclusion     


Week 13: Introduction   


Week 14: Other genres of academic texts (e.g. article abstracts, articles, conference presentations, conference posters etc.)


Week 15: MA samples or samples of other academic texts - consultations

Reading list

Wallwork, Adrien. 2013b. English for academic research: Vocabulary exercises. New York: Springer.