General information

Course type AMUPIE
Module title Theatrical forms in preschool and early childhood education
Language English
Module lecturer Michalina Kasprzak
Lecturer's email
Lecturer position PhD
Faculty Faculty of Educational Studies
Semester 2021/2022 (winter)
Duration 30
USOS code 11-TF-11-a


Module aim (aims)

· Familiarizing students with the basic techniques and methods of theatrical forms for children· Expanding and organize the student's knowledge in the field of theatrical forms used in work with children· Presenting types of theatrical puppets and them used in work with children· Familiarizing with the selected therapeutic-theatrical forms in preschool and early school age · Presenting the Theatres for Children in Poznan (Animation Theatre, Blum Theatre, Atofri Theatre) and on the world· Developing the ability to construct theatrical courses for children· Developing the ability to carry out theatrical courses for children· Developing creativity and creative attitudes of students

Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences (where relevant)

English on intermediate level (B1 level)
Basic knowledge of the psychology development of a child


Week 1: Introduction. Discussion and group’s integrity.Week 2: Education for children - basic techniques and methods of theatrical forms; Definitions and first practical theater game for children (on the example given by the teacher).Week 3: Teacher as an actor: introduction for the voice production, gesture, expression, stage movement - practical exercises. Week 4: Theatre workshop in groups – theatre games for children with the use of voice, singing, music and dance.Week 5: Therapeutic-theatrical forms – introduction and workshop for students. Week 6: Theatrical puppets – types and forms of work for children.Week 7: Creating a plan of theatre courses for children with theatrical puppets by students. Discussion.Week 8: Creating your own a theatrical puppets by students.Week 9: Creating your own a theatrical puppets by students. Presentations.Week 10: Presenting the Theatres for Children in Poznan (teacher) and on the world – work in groups (students' activity – presentations).Week 11: Presenting the Theatres for Children in Poznan (teacher) and on the world – work in groups (students' activity – presentations).Week 12: Planning theatre courses for children with theatrical forms from kindergarten and elementary school – introduction and practical exercises.Week 13: Creating a plan of theatre courses for children with theatrical forms by students. Discussion.Week 14: Creating a plan of theatre courses for children with theatrical forms by students. Discussion.Week 15: Evaluation, summary and reflection.

Reading list

Clipson-Boyles S., Teaching Primary English through Drama: A practical and creative Approach, 2 edition, Routledge, Milton Park, Abington, Oxon 2012.Griffiths F., Supporting Children’s Creativity through Music, Dance, Drama and Art, , London and New York, 2010.Osewska E. ed., Education and Creativity, Cardial Stefan Wyszynski University Press in Warsaw, Poland, 2014.Leigh L., Gersch I., Dix A., Haythorne D. ed., Dramatherapy with Children, Young People, and Schools: Enabling Creativity, Sociability, Communication and Learning, Routledge, London and New York, 2012.Novelly M. C., Theatre games for young performers. Improvisationsand exercises for developing acting skills, Meriwether Publishing, Englewood, United States of America 1985.Phillips S., Drama with children, Oxford University Press, 5 edition, New York 2003.Rooyackers P., Bowman C., 101 Drama Games for Children: Fun and Learning with Acting and Make-Believe, Hunter House Inc., Alameda 1997.Schonmann S., Theatre as a Medium for Children and Young People. Images and Observations, Landscapes: The Arts, Aesthetics, and Education, Volume 4, 2006 (e-book: D., Peter M., Developing Play and Drama in Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders, David Fulton Publishers, New York 2006.