General information

Course type AMUPIE
Module title What moves us? Drivers of mobility and transport behaviour from the perspective of sustainability and social justice
Language English
Module lecturer dr Filip Schmidt
Lecturer's email
Lecturer position Adiunkt / Assistant professor
Faculty Faculty of Sociology
Semester 2023/2024 (summer)
Duration 30
USOS code 24-PIE-WMU


Module aim (aims)

1. To provide an understanding of the theories that explain how people travel over short and long distances and the factors that influence this behaviour.
2. To present concepts of sustainability and sustainable mobility and social-ecological approaches to mobility and transport.
3. To provide an understanding of methods for studying mobility practices and transport behaviour.
4. To develop the ability to critically analyse texts and policies related to transport and mobility.

Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences (where relevant)

1. Interest in the subject
2. Knowledge of English at least at B2 level


  1. Introduction: present and past of everyday human travel; key concepts
  2. Travel behaviour or mobility practices? Basic paradigms of commuting and travel studies
  3. Shift, improve, reduce: the idea of sustainable mobility and its current developments
  4. Mobility is Silver, Accessibility is Gold? The concept of accessibility and its study
  5. Exclusion and transport poverty: concepts and research
  6. Between a social floor and an ecological ceiling: concepts and research on well-being mobility without harming the planet
  7. What don't attitudes and values say about travel? The gap between values and behaviour in mobility
    Is the human traveller rational?
  8. Key theories of transport behaviour and mobility practices. From Theory of Planned Behaviour and Norm Activation Model to Theories of Social Practices and System Theories.
  9. Who is ashamed of flying and who of cycling? Symbolic and affective meanings of transport modes
  10. Is habit the commuter's second nature?
  11. Do you have to have a car when you have a child? Mobility biographies and their study
  12. Lifestyle? Mobility style! Ways of distinguishing social segments and styles in mobility research
  13. The individual is not enough: the household and the social network as key relationships shaping mobility
  14. The built environment and mobility, or what shapes what?
  15. Who doesn't like clean transport zones and how loves electric cars? Contemporary Urban Mobility Policies and how they get contested

Reading list