General information

Course type AMUPIE
Module title Waste management - selected issues
Language English
Module lecturer prof. UAM dr hab. Anna Kozak
Lecturer's email
Lecturer position
Faculty Faculty of Biology
Semester 2023/2024 (winter)
Duration 30


Module aim (aims)

Acquaintance with the classification of waste and methods of its disposal (waste landfilling, composting of biodegradable waste, waste incineration, waste recycling).

Transfer of knowledge about waste management.

Visualizing the need to recycle waste.

Getting to know the pros and cons of individual waste disposal methods

Developing skills in using literature and electronic sources and based on them, preparing and presenting presentations on a given topic in the field of waste management.



Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences (where relevant)


Reading list

  1. Lehmann., S Crocker R : Designing for Zero Waste Consumption, Technologies and the Built Environment _ , Taylor & Francis Group , London, NY, 2012
  2. Zaman A., Ahsan T.,: Zero-Waste Reconsidering Waste Management for the Future, Taylor & Francis Group , Oxon, NY, 2020.
  3. Ekström KM.,: Waste management and sustainable consumption. Reflections on consumer waste, Taylor & Francis Group , London, NY, 2015.
  4. Evans G., : Biowaste and Biological Waste Treatment , Taylor & Francis Group, NY, 2001.


Articles in journals


  1. Cyranka M., Jurczyk M., Pająk T., (2016.): Municipal Waste-to-Energy plants in Poland – current projects. , E3S Web of Conferences 10, , e3sconf/20161000070 SEED 00070
  2. Gawor Ł, Saarela J., (2016. ): Waste Management Policies In Finland And Poland; Towards A Recycling Society , SYSTEMY WSPOMAGANIA w INŻYNIERII PRODUKCJI Geochemia i Geologia Środowiska Terenów Uprzemysłowionych , 5(17); 229-236.
  3. Pyssa J. (2017. ): Environmental, technical and technological aspects of hazardous waste management in Poland. , E3S Web of Conferences , 19, 02021, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20171902021