General information
Course type | AMUPIE |
Language | EN |
Module lecturer | dr IWONA ZWIERZCHOWSKA |
Lecturer's email | |
Lecturer position | adiunkt |
Faculty | Faculty of Human Geography and Planning |
Semester | 2021/2022 (winter) |
Duration | 15 |
ECTS | 3 |
USOS code | 25-ULAP-AMU-PIE |
Module aim (aims)
• Introduction to ecological basis of landscape planning• Understanding Green Infrastructure as a planning tool for cities• Knowledge of nature-based solutions for urban environment
Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences (where relevant)
Week 1: Introduction (1h) Week 2: Ecological principles of landscape planning (2h) Week 3: Urban landscape and green infrastructure (2h) Week 4: Field visit: Green infrastructure in urban planning (5h) Week 5: Introduction to project preparation (2h) Week 6: Individual consultation (1h)Week 7: Project presentation (2h)
Reading list
Bennett, A.F., Saunders D.A., 2010. Habitat fragmentation and landscape change. Sodhi and Ehrlich: Conservation Biology for All.ążewicz M., 2010. The role of landscape ecological aspect of spatial planning in Poznań. The role of landscape ecological aspect of spatial planning in Poznań. The Problems of Landscape Ecology, Vol. XXVIII., 85–89.Pauleit, S., Liu, L., Ahern, J., Kazmierczak A., Multifunctional Green Infrastructure Planning to Promote Ecological Services in the City [In:] Urban Ecology Patterns, Processes, and Applications (eds.) Niemelä, J., Breuste, J.H., Elmqvist, T., Guntenspergen, G., James, P., McIntyre, N.E., 272-285.Szczepańska, M., Agnieszka Wilkaniec, A., Łabędzka, D., Micińska J., 2013. Non-Visual Perception Of Landscape –Use Of Hearing And Other Senses In The Perception Of Selected Spaces In The City Of Poznań, Teka Kom. Arch. Urb. Stud. Krajobr. – OL PAN, 2013, IX/2, 68-79.Zachariasz A., 2014. Parks, Green Areas And Landscape In View Of New Concepts Related To The Shaping Of Structure And Form Of A City. Technical Transactions Architecture 2-A, 328-344.