General information

Course type AMUPIE
Module title Intercultural Dialogue (winter semester)
Language English
Module lecturer dr Borys Szumański
Lecturer's email
Lecturer position
Faculty Faculty of Polish and Classical Philology
Semester 2023/2024 (winter)
Duration 30
USOS code 03-AP-ID


Collegium Maius
Fredry 10 Street
room 218

dr Borys Szumański 


Classes Schedule 


  1. Wednesday 4th of October — Integration, plans and expectations
    Literature: —
  2. Wednesday 11th of October — On culture and different approaches to studying it
    Literature: Delanoy W. (2020). What is culture? [In:] The Cambridge Handbook of Intercultural Communication, ed. by G. Rings, S. Rasinger, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 17-34


  1. Wednesday 18th of October — How to learn basing on experience? (Workshop)
    Literature: —


  1. Wednesday 25th of October — Describing differences — Intercultural psychology
    Literature: Hofstede, G. (2011). Dimensionalizing Cultures: The Hofstede Model in Context. Online Readings in Psychology and Culture, 2(1).


  1. Wednesday 8th of November — Communication skills (Workshop)
    Literature: —


  1. Wednesday 15th of November — Ethnocentrism and Ethnorelativism
    Literature: Bennett, M. J. (1986). A developmental approach to training for intercultural sensitivity. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 10(2), pp. 179–196.
  2. Wednesday 22nd of November — On Acculturation
    Literature: Berry, J. W. (2006). Contexts of acculturation. [In:] D. Sam, J. W. Berry (Red.). The Cambrigde handbook of acculturation psychology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 27-43. 


  1. Wednesday 29th of November — Intercultural stress management (Workshop)
    Literature: —  


  1. Wednesday 6th of December — Language and Culture I - Universalism
    Literature: Wierzbicka, Anna. (2001) Introduction [In:]. What Did Jesus Mean?.Explaining the Sermon on the Mount and the Parables in Simple and Universal Human Concepts. Oxford: Oxford University Press, p. 3-26. 


  1. Wednesday 13th of December — Language and Culture II - Translation Turn
    a) Eeven-Zohar, I. (1990). The Position of Translated Literature within the Literary Polysystem. [In:] Polysystem Studies. Durham NC: Duke University Press, pp. 45-51.
    b) Toury, G. (1995). Translations as facts of a ‘target’ culture. An assumption and its methodological implications [In:] Descriptive Translation Studies and beyond. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins,  pp. 17-34.


  1. Wednesday 20h of December — Food, cuisine and culture
    a) Levi-Strauss C. (2008). The culinary triangle [in:] Food and Culture: A Reader. Londyn, Routledge, p. 40-48.  


  1. Wednesday 10th of January — Gender in intercultural context (Workshop)
    Literature: —
  2. Wednesday 17th of January — Intercultural communication in pop culture
    a) Sapkowski, A. The Edge of the World, (2007). In: The Last wish. London: Orion Publishing Group.
    b) The Witcher Netflix Series, ep. 2. „Four Marks”, Lauren Schmidt, 2019.


  1. Wednesday 24th of January  - What have we learned? Summing up and afterthought
    Literature: — 


  1. Wednesday 31th of January - Final test 

Course credit conditions: What do I need to do in order to get credit?

You have to earn at least 51% points during the final test
— You have to make a short presentation of a Critical Cultural Incident during classes

Module aim (aims)

Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences (where relevant)


Course learning content:

Culture and acculturation
Core assumptions of intercultural communication 
Auto- and heterostereotypes 
The concept of multiculturalism
Intercultural differences in the language and texts of culture
Analysis and interpretation of texts 



Reading list

  1. T. Hall, The Hidden Dimension, 1990.
  2. The Cambridge Handbook of Intercultural Communication, ed. by G. Rings, S. Rasinger, Cambridge
  3. Stier, Intercultural communication and intercultural competence, January 2009, „Journal of Intercultural Communication” 11.
  4. Cultures of Economy in South-Eastern Europe. Spotlights and Perspectives, ed. by Murašov, D. Beganovic, A. Lešic, Bielefeld 2019.
  5. Wierzbicka, Understanding Cultures Through Their Key Words: English, Russian, Polish, German, Japanese, 1997.
  6. Wierzbicka Cliff Goddard, Words and Meanings: Lexical Semantics Across Domains, Languages, and Cultures, Oxford 2014.