General information

Course type AMUPIE
Module title Learn German Through Pop Music A1+
Language English, German
Module lecturer mgr Monika Marcinkowska
Lecturer's email
Lecturer position senior lecturer
Faculty Foreign Languages Teaching Centre
Semester 2023/2024 (summer)
Duration 30


Module aim (aims)

The course offers a unique approach to learning vocabulary and grammar through contemporary German pop music. It is full of interesting topics to motivate and challenge the participants and introduces them to language that is relevant to their lives.

Pre-requisites in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences (where relevant)

Level A1.1 in German language


Week 1: Numbers and colours in German pop songs - Zahlen 1-100 und Farben

Week 2: Food and drinks in German pop songs - Essen und Trinken

Week 3: Jobs in German pop songs - Berufe

Week 4: Bodyparts in German pop songs - Körperteile 

Week 5: Compound nouns in German pop songs - Nomenkomposita

Week 6: Animals and nature in German pop songs - Tiernamen und Natur

Week 7: Daily routines in German pop songs - Tagesabläufe                   

Week 8: Comparisons in German pop songs - Adjektivkomparation und Vergleichsätze

Week 9: Negation in German pop songs - Negationen (nein, kein, nicht)

Week 10: Modal verbs in German pop songs - Modalverben (können, wollen, müssen)      

Week 11: Time expressions in German pop songs - Temporale Ausdrücke (Wochentage, heute, morgen)

Week 12: Prepositions in German pop songs - Präpositionen (ohne, mit)  

Week 13: Project: My favourite German song - Projekt: Mein Lieblingslied

Week 14: Project: My favourite German song - Projekt: Mein Lieblingslied

Week 15: Project: My favourite German song - Projekt: Mein Lieblingslied

Reading list

  2. Step into German
  3. Podcasts: Slow German, DW